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. 2022 Mar 30;12(7):870. doi: 10.3390/ani12070870

Table 2.

Non-comprehensive list of recent studies showing the effects of probiotics modifying gut microbiota on behaviors in poultry.

Birds/Treatment Effects Conclusion Reference
Layers L. rhamnosus (5 × 109 CFU/mL) in-drinking water of stressed HFP birds, LFP birds, & a unselected pullets Pecks (phenotypic and genotypic) had lower plasma TRP.
L. rhamnosus caused a short-term increase in plasma TRYP and the TRP:(PHE + TYR) ratio and all subsets of T cell proportions.
A transient effect on the immune and TRP catabolism with minimal changes in behavior in pullets. [126]
L. rhamnosus (5 × 109/mL) in-drinking water of chronic stressed adult HPF & LPF hens L. rhamnosus prevented stress-induced FP.
L. rhamnosus increased T cells in the spleen and cecal tonsil.
L. rhamosus reduced cecal microbiota dysbiosis.
Reduces stress-induced FP; and improves hen welfare. [173]
L. rhamnosus (5 × 108 CFU/mL) orally fed peckers & non-peckers L. rhamosus caused ↑cecal contractions and their amplitude; It positively correlated with the number of FP of peckers. Impacted gut motility with FP phenotypic effects. [148]
B. subtilis (1 × 106 CFU/g) fed dominant & subordinate hens B. subtilis caused ↓threat kick and ↓aggressive pecking during paired aggression test, and ↓plasma serotonin.
B. subtilis caused ↓HS-associated behavior but ↑eating, foraging, standing, and walking.
B. subtilis led to ↓hepatic IL-6, HSP70, cecal IgA & IgY but ↑hepatic IL-10.
Dietary probiotic could be a suitable strategy for controlling aggression in chickens. [178]
Broilers B. subtilis (1 × 106 CFU/g) fed HS broilers Reduces HS-induced inflammatory reactions via the microbiota-immune axis, while increases broilers to copy HS more effectively. [179]
* A synbiotic fed HS broilers Snybiotic fed birds had a shorter latency to make the first vocalization, with higher vocalization rates during the isolation test and a greater number of birds reached the observer during the touch test. The synbiotic can reduce the fear response and stress state of HS broilers. [177]
Turkeys B. amyloliquefaciens fed turkey poults Probiotic increased the feeding time and decreased distress call and aggressive behaviors. Probiotics regulates behavior in turkey poults via modulation of gut microbiota. [180]
Quails P. acidilactici (2.54 × 106/g) fed STI & LTI quails Probiotic reduces immobility duration of STI birds during TI test. The probiotic affected host behavior and memory via the effects on gut microbiota [176]

B. amyloliquefaciens: Bucillus amyloliquefaciens; B. subtilis: Bacillus subtilis; CMP: cecal microbiota transplantation; FP: feather pecking; HMT: homologous microbiota transplantation from the same line; HPF: high feather pecking birds; HS: heat stress; HSP: heat shock protein; IL: interleukin; L. rhamosus: Lactobacillus rhamnosus; IL: interleukin; LFP: low feather pecking birds; LTI: long tonic immobility quails; P. acidilactici: Pediococcus acidilactici; PHE: phenylalanine; STI: short tonic immobility quails; T: T lymphocytes; TI: Tonic immobility test; TRP: tryptophan; TYR: tyrosine. * Synbiotic consisted of a probiotic (Enterococcus faecium, Pediococcus acidilactici, Bifidobacterium animalis, and Lactobacillus reuteri) and a prebiotic (fructooligosaccharides).