Do your parents/guardians practice discipline if you violate the gaming rules? |
No………2 |
Yes………1 |
Non-Violent Discipline
Took away privileges, forbade something you liked or did not allow you to leave house |
Yes………1 |
No………2 |
Explained why something was wrong |
Yes……….1 |
No………2 |
Gave you something else to do |
Yes………1 |
No………2 |
Violent Discipline
Psychological aggression |
Shouted, yelled at or screamed at you |
Yes………1 |
No………2 |
Called you dumb, lazy or another name like that |
Yes………1 |
No………2 |
Physical punishment |
Shook you |
Yes………1 |
No………2 |
Spanked, hit or slapped you on the bottom with bare hand |
Yes………1 |
No………2 |
Hit you on the bottom or elsewhere on the body with something like a belt, hairbrush, stick or another hard object |
Yes………1 |
No………2 |
Hit or slapped you on the hand, arm or leg |
Yes………1 |
No………2 |
Severe physical punishment |
Hit or slapped you on the face, head or ears |
Yes………1 |
No………2 |
Beat you with an implement (hit over and over as hard as one could) |
Yes………1 |
No………2 |