Figure 6.
Differences in potential and effective cellular LDH activities and their relation to the conversion rate of hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate-to-[1-13C]lactate. (A,B) Potential LDH (LDHmax) was determined in lysates from monolayer cultures using the LDH-based assay with saturating substrate concentrations. (C,D) Effective LDH activities (LDHeff) were calculated with values of the intracellular metabolite and coenzyme concentrations (Table S1 and Figure 5) and the maximal LDHmax activity (Figure 6A,B and Table S2). Values of the speckled bars are from cell lysates after 13C-MRS-measurements. The Michaelis–Menten equation was applied with the assumption that NADH is already bound (KM-values in Figure 3). The speckled bars represent values from trypsinized cells after MRS. (E,F) Ratio of kpl to LDHeff activity (kpl-values from Figure 2G,H). LDHmax values were obtained from three independent experiments using lysates from monolayer cultures and from two experiments following 13C-MRS measurements of cell suspensions (Figure 2 and Table S2).