Figure 1.
Diagrammatic sketch of left bundle branch pacing (LBBP) and left ventricular septal pacing (LVSP) with different pacing modes. (A) Selective LBBP (SLBBP) captures only the left bundle branch (LBB) trunk or its proximal bundle, resulting in physiologically left ventricle (LV) excitation but delayed right ventricle (RV) excitation. Non-selective LBBP (NSLBBP) is divided into two types: (B), which excites the LBB and surrounding myocardium, and (E), which excites the LBB and the left ventricular septal myocardium. (C) In bipolar pacing configuration, the cathode tip of LBBP captures the LBB and the anode ring captures the right bundle branch at the same time, probably due to the anodal capture. (D) LVSP captures only the left ventricular septal myocardium. RV, right ventricle; IVS, interventricular septum; LV, left ventricle.