Table 1.
Overview of the results of the systematic review regarding design, country, sample, assessment instruments, and associations between flow and burnout symptoms.
Source | Design | Country | Sample | Assessment Instrument | Associations between Flow and Burnout Symptoms | |
Flow Experience | Burnout Symptoms | |||||
Bakker & Geurts, 2004 [77] | C-S | Netherlands |
Correlation r(AB; EE) = −0.16 *** |
Baumgarten et al., 2020 [80] | C-S | France |
Stepwise multiple regression
Demerouti et al., 2012 [82] | LI (diary study—4 days) |
Germany and Netherlands |
Correlation r(AB; general EE) = −0.12 * r(AB; EE at work)= −0.14 * r(AB; EE at bedtime) = −0.05 r(EN; general EE) = −0.43 ** r(EN; EE at work)= −0.44 ** r(EN; EE at bedtime) = −0.37 ** r(IM; general EE) = −0.13 * r(IM; EE at work)= −0.10 r(IM; EE at bedtime) = −0.03 Multilevel estimates
Kasa & Hassan, 2015 a [84] | C-S | Malaysia |
Correlation r(flow, burnout symptoms): n.s. |
Kasa & Hassan, 2016 [86] | C-S | Malaysia |
Structural model
Kasa & Hassan, 2019a [87] | C-S | Malaysia |
Lavigne et al., 2012 [89] (Study 1) | C-S | Canada |
Correlation r(flow; EE) = −0.10 r(flow; CY)= −0.44 *** r(flow; RPA) = −0.60 *** |
Lavigne et al., 2012 [89] (Study 2) | LI (T1 and after 6 months T2) |
Canada |
Correlation r(flow (t1); EE (t1)) = −0.42 *** r(flow (t1); EE (t2)) = −0.40 *** r(flow (t1); CY (t1)) = −0.53 *** r(flow (t1); CY (t2)) = −0.54 *** r(flow (t1); RPA (t1)) = −0.66 *** r(flow (t1); RPA (t2)) = −0.51 *** r(flow (t2); EE (t1)) = −0.39 *** r(flow (t2); EE (t2)) = −0.46 *** r(flow (t2); CY (t1)) = −0.52 *** r(flow (t2); CY (t2)) = − 0.61 *** r(flow (t2); RPA (t1)) = −0.52 *** r(flow (t2); RPA (t2)) = −0.63 *** |
Ljubin-Golub et al., 2020 [93] | C-S | Croatia |
Correlation r(AB; burnout symptoms) = −0.53 ** r(EN; burnout symptoms) = −0.60 ** r(IM; burnout symptoms) = −0.50 ** |
Mäkikangas et al., 2010 [95] | LI (T1, T2, T3 with 6 weeks in between) | Netherlands |
Correlation r(flow (t1); EE) = −0.34 *** r(flow (t2); EE) = −0.34 *** r(flow (t3); EE) = −0.32 *** |
Martínez-Zaragoza et al., 2014 [96] | C-S | Spain |
Correlation r(flow + PA; burnout symptoms) = −0.08 |
Martínez-Zaragoza et al., 2017 [98] | C-S | Spain |
Correlation r(flow; EE) = −0.05 r(flow, CY) = −0.08 r(flow; RPA) = −0.32 ** |
Mosing et al., 2018 [99] | C-S | Sweden |
Correlation r(flow-work; EE) = −0.36 *** r(flow-maintenance, EE) = −0.24 *** r(flow-leisure; EE) = −0.23 *** r(flow-global; EE) = −0.34 *** r(flow-music; EE) = −0.03 |
Rodríguez-Sánchez et al., 2011 [101] | LI (ESM—14 days) | Netherlands |
Correlation r(flow; group) = −0.29 ** (person-level) r(AB; group) = −0.23 * (person-level) r(EN; group) = −0.30 ** (person-level) r(flow; group) = −0.13 **(time level) r(AB; group) = −0.11 ** (time level) r(EN; group) = −0.14 ** (time level) Anova healthy vs. burned-out flow: t = 8.70, p < 0.01 AB: t = 5.68, p < 0.05 EN: t = 9.62, p < 0.05 Multilevel model
Schiefele et al., 2013 [103] | C-S | Germany |
Correlation rs(flow; EE) = −0.14 * rs(flow; CY) = −0.24 ** rs(flow; RPA) = −0.24 ** |
Xanthopoulou et al., 2018 [107] | LI (diary study—5 days) | Netherlands and Poland |
Correlation r(flow; EE) = −0.52 ** (person-level) r(flow; EE) = −0.43 ** (day-level) |
Xie et al., 2019 [108] | C-S | China |
Correlation r(flow; burnout symptoms)= −0.59 ** |
Zito et al., 2016 [109] | C-S | Italy |
Correlation r(flow; EX) = −0.54 ** |
Note. C-S = cross-sectional, LI = longitudinal, ESM = Experience Sampling Method, N = sample size, SD = Standard deviation, WOLF = Work-related Flow Inventory, WOLF-S = WOLF-Study Questionnaire, UWES = Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, SFPQ = Swedish Flow Proneness Questionnaire, MBI = Maslach Burnout Inventory, MBI-GS = Maslach Burnout Inventory—General Survey, MBI-ES = Maslach Burnout Inventory—Educators’ Survey, OLBI = Oldenburg Burnout Inventory, OLBI-S = Oldenburg Burnout Inventory –College Students, EE = emotional exhaustion, CY = cynicism, RPA = reduced personal accomplishment, PA = personal accomplishment, EX = exhaustion, AB = absorption, EN = enjoyment, IM = intrinsic motivation, T = timepoint, X = independent variable, Y = dependent variable, n.s. = not significant (statistical parameters not given), NR = not reported. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001. For reasons of clarity and comprehensibility, the labels of the various subscales were harmonized and reversed recoded where appropriate. a The studies may have been based on the same data.