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. 2000 Jul;44(7):1906–1910. doi: 10.1128/aac.44.7.1906-1910.2000


ClaI::mecA vicinity organization features of MRSA epidemic clonesa

Strain Pattern Organization featuresb Observation/origin (reference)
HUC19 I ΔHVR + pUB110 + Ins117 Iberian clone/Portugal (21)
HUC31 I ΔHVR + pUB110 + Ins117 Iberian clone/Portugal (21)
BK1920 I ΔHVR + pUB110 + Ins117 Iberian clone/USA (22)
BK59 I ΔHVR + pUB110 + Ins117 mecA type I control strain (16)
BK2464 I pUB110 + Ins117 New York clone/USA (17)
JP1 I pUB110 + Ins117 Epidemic clone/Japanc
PL72 I pUB110 Epidemic clone/Poland (18)
COL II Reference strain/RU collection (8)
BB270 II (24)
BK71 II mecA type II control strain (16)
HUC191 II ΔHVR + Ins117 Iberian clone related/Portugal (21)
DEN 2125 II Epidemic clone 1960s/Denmark (4)
R35 III pT181 + pI258 Reference strain/USA (13)
CPS22 III pT181 Epidemic clone/Portugal (5)
CPS68 III pT181 Epidemic clone/Portugal (5)
HU25 III* pI258 Brazilian clone (29)
PER168 IX pT181 + pI258 mecA type IX control strain (12)
PER222 XI pT181 + pI258 mecA type XI control strain (12)
BK163 III pT181 + pI258 mecA type III control strain (16)
HU106 IX pT181 + pI258 Hungarian cloned (6)
HU41 XI pT181 + pI258 Hungarian cloned (6)
HU101 III pT181 + pI258 Hungarian cloned (6)
HU86 III′ pT181 + pI258 Hungarian cloned (6)
BK2421 IV mecR1Δ170bp (5′)/pT181+pI258 (3′) mecA type IV control strain (16)
LHH1 IV mecR1Δ170bp (5′)/pT181+pI258 (3′) Epidemic clone/USA (7)
BK2529 V IS256 mecA type V control strain (16)
BARGII17 V IS256 Epidemic clone/USA (7)
HSA49 V IS256 Sporadic clone/Portugal (10)
BK793 VI pI258 mecA type VI control strain (16)
HU195 VI pI258 Sporadic clone/Hungary (5)
HUC64 VIII ΔHVR + pUB110 + IS256 Iberian clone related/Portugal (21)
IPO108 XIII ΔHVR + pUB110 + IS256 Iberian clone related/Portugal (26)
VIC1 XIV ΔHVR + IS256 Iberian clone related/Portugale
PL46 XV mecR1::IS256 (5′)/pT181 (3′) Sporadic clone/Poland (18)

The small differences among strains within pattern I or II (ΔHVR and Ins117) cannot be detected by the conventional gel electrophoresis settings used in ClaI::mecA pattern determination (5, 16). Polymorphisms IX, XI, III, and III′ differ primarily in the copy number of the short 40-bp sequence within the dru element: 11 copies in IX, 10 in XI, 9 in III, and 8 in III′ (see accession numbers in Materials and Methods). 


Abbreviations: ΔHVR, truncated HVR, which has a deletion of 1,043 bp spanning all of the dru element; Ins117, 117-bp sequence flanked by two 15-bp direct repeats; mecR1Δ170bp, 170-bp deletion in the mecR1 coding region. 


M. A. de Sousa et al., unpublished data. 


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