Expression of miR156/OsSPL module genes in sterile and fertile panicles of PA2364S and PA2864S at different temperatures. (A) Expression levels of miR156a, miR156k and miR156l-5p at sixth stages of 25 °C treatment in PA2364S and PA2864S. (B) Relative expression folds of the OsSPL genes targeted by miR156 responding to temperature changes. (C) Venn diagram of OsSPL genes in response to fertility changes and temperature changes. Here, 25: treated at 25 °C. P23/P28: PA2364S/PA2864S. Here, 6S/6F: sixth stage sterile or fertile plants. The blue bars in Figure 4 indicate the fold difference in gene expression between 25 °C and 30 °C treatment in P23 sterile plants, and the red bars indicate the fold difference in gene expression between 21 °C and 25 °C treatment in P28 fertile plants. For each treatment, the qPCR results show the average of three replicates. Here, p (*) < 0.05, p (**) < 0.01.