Total ion current LC/MS chromatograms (positive and negative ionization) of Ethanolic Fenugreek Seed Extract.The TIC chromatograms of the fenugreek extract are shown in Figure A2 and characterized by many peaks that were not visible in the UV chromatogram. The peaks between 12.5 min and 16 min appear to be di-through hepta-saccharides of furo-/spirostanol (trigonellosides, trigoneosides, etc.) derivatives based on their lack of absorbance signal at 254 nm, or higher, and their corresponding masses*. *Compounds’ masses and plant species cross-reference searches were made with database (Elsevier, RELX group). Samples in Figure A1 and Figure A2 were analyzed by a UPLC/MS system including the Dionex® UltiMate 3000 RSLC ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography system and a Varian 1200L triple quadrupole mass detector with Varian’s MS Workstation, v. 6.41, SP2.