Figure 3.
Representative images show enrichment of cargoes at the trans-side of the Golgi complex. The type of cell, protein labelling and the state of transport (steady-state [StSt]; mini-wave [Mini]) are indicated on the images. (A) Enrichment of albumin (red arrows) in the last medial cisterna and in TMC (black arrows). Tokuyasu cryo-section. (B,C) Enrichment of albumin in the cisternal lumen near the rims. Tokuyasu cryo-section. (D,E) Enrichment of VLDL in one cisternal distension of a hepatocyte. (D) Three-dimensional model of EM tomography. (E) Routine transmission EM. (F) High concentration of PCI distensions (arrows) in the last medial cisternae of human fibroblasts. Enhanced nanogold. (G) Enrichment of procollagen I (PCI) distensions (arrows) at the trans-side of the Golgi. Tokuyasu cryo-section. (H) Enrichment of VSVG labelling (10 nm gold) at the trans-side of the Golgi stack. Tokuyasu cryo-section. (I) Enrichment of PCI distensions (arrows) within the last medial cisternae in human fibroblasts at steady-state. EM tomography. (J) Enrichment of PCI distensions (arrows) in the medial cisternae at the trans-side of the Golgi complex of human fibroblasts under a mini-wave. EM tomography. Scale bars: 130 nm (A,D,H); 200 nm (B,C,E); 240 nm (F,G,I,J).