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. 2022 Apr 4;11(7):2017. doi: 10.3390/jcm11072017

Table 3.

Invasive Aspergillosis in COVID-19 patients (case reports and hematology patient case series excluded).

Literature Trial Design and Population Diagnostic Criteria Used CS Used CS Length Other IST Comorbidities IA Incidence Time to IA Dx Mortality
Alanio A. et al. [87] France P, O, n = 27 ICU pts, 9/27 CAPA, med age 63 [IQR 56–71] EORTC-MSGERC or IAPA + ser β-D-glucan and qPCR (serum or pulm specimens) 6/9 pts: dexa IV
20 mg/d (D1–5) then 10 mg/d
(D6–10). 2/9 pts on prev GCS
10 ds NM HPN more frequent in IPA
(7/9 vs. 6/18, p = 0·046)
Probable IPAs: (4%) putative IPAs: 30% NM 4/9
van Arkel A.E. et al. [88] Netherlands O, n = 31 ICU pts on MV A. fumigatus 5/6, A. Ag GM (+) BAL fluid: 3/6 3/6 pts: CS before IPA Dx,
dose < 0.3 mg/kg/d
<3 wks No 3/6 Pre-existing lung disease 6/31 (19.35%) presumed IPA Sx onset—IPA: med 11.5 ds (8–42). ICU admis–IPA: med 5 ds (3–28) 66.7% died, med 12 ICU ds
Bartoletti et al. [89]
P, MC, n = 822 CAPA MP 1 mg/kg 5–7 ds TOCI 27.7% Intub-CAPA: med 4ds (2–8). sx onset-CAPA:
med 14ds (11–22)
↑↑ ICU mortality after adj for age, RRT, admis severity scores
Benedetti et al. [90] Argentina n = 5 ICU pts IAPA or EORTC-MSGERC serum markers, or AspICU 5/5 CS (<0.3 mg/kg) <3wks No 1/5 hematologic malignancy
2/5 diabetes
Sx onset–CAPA: 22 ds (13–52).
ICU admis-CAPA: med 12 ds
1/5 died (rest still on MV)
Delliere et al. [92] France R, O, MC, n = 360 ICU pts; 108 pts sampled on deterioration.
1 SOT. 1 myeloma
NM NM Sarilumab 1 pt, eculizumab
6 pts, toci 4 pts
Azithromycin (>3 ds) and prob IPA (OR 3.1, 95% CI, 1.1–8.5, p = 0.02). HD dexa and IPA: 11.5% vs. 28.6%, (p = 0.08), cumul dose ≥100 mg and IPA (OR 3.7, 95% CI 1.0–9.7). 5.7% in ICU pts
8.5% in MV pts
19.4% in deteriorated pts
Sx onset- IPA: 16 ds (10–23)
ICU admis—IPA: 6 ds (1–15)
IPA pts vs. non-IPA: 71.4% vs. 36.8%, p < 0.01).
Dupont et al. [91]
R, 153 ICU pts screened for fungi; 106 PCR SARS-Co-V2 (+) AspICU + serum/BAL GM 37% CS short time NM HTN 36.8%, DM 36.8%, TB/COPD/asthma 36.8% 17.9% putative IPA MV-CAPA: 6 ds 42%
Fekkar A. et al. [24] France R, SC, n = 145 COVID-19 ICU MV pts screened for fungal superinfection; 54% on ECMO EORTC/MSGERC,
Mycology lab (microscopy, cultures, PCR respir samples and serum for Aspergillus, PJP, mucorales, GMI, β-D-glucan
Long-term (>3 wks) CS before COVID-19 and IFI (OR, 8.55; IQR, 6.8–10.3; p = 0.01),
CS for COVID-19 (dexa 20 mg/d × 10 ds) no IFI
10 ds 6 Toci
3 saril
1 anti-IL1
100% MV,
68% ↑BW,
57% HTN,
32% DM,
14% preexisting immunosuppression
4.8% prob/
putat IFI
(1 fusarium case),
17.2% colonization
ICU admis-IFI: med 7 ds (IQR, 2–56) Survival 74.5%
Fortarezza et al. [94]
n = 45 COVID-19 autopsies Histology CS: 88% of CAPA vs. 54% non-CAPA
CS: 12/28 pts 1st wave vs. 16/17 pts 2nd wave
NM No Toci No antiIL-1 7/9 ICU
7/9 HTN
3/9 COPD
20% proven CAPA, 1st wave 2/28 vs. 2nd wave 7/17 NM NA
Janssen et al. [102]
Belgium, Netherlands, France
O, MC, 2 ICU cohorts:
N1 = 512
N2 = 304
ECCM/ISHAM CS use not more prevalent in CAPA groups vs. non-CAPA NM Other IST < 90 ds before ICU admis CAPA vs. nonCAPA:
COPD 19% vs. 8% (p = 0.042).
HIV (AIDS) 7% vs. 0.4% (p = 0.011)
10–15% ICU admis to CAPA: 6 ds (IQR 3–9) 43–52%
Lamoth et al. [109]
n = 80 ICU MV pts IAPA NM NA Toci—IPA Dx:
4 ds
No pt had any predisposing factors acc to EORTC/MSG 3.8%
1 probable
2 putative
COVID dx- IPA: med 9 ds,
ICU admis-IPA: 6 ds,
MV start-IPA: med 5 ds
1/3 died
Marr et al. [20]
Spain, USA
n = 20 CAPA
Aspergillus recovery in BAS, sputum, BAL or GMI ≥ 1, imaging NM
Systemic and inh CS most common IST associated with CAPA
Pulm dis
underlying immunosuppressive disease/drugs
NA Sx onset-CAPA: med 11 ds,
ICU admis-CAPA: 9 ds
Meijer et al. [93]
SC, P, 1st wave: 33 MV ICU pts vs. 2nd wave: 33 MV ICU pts 2020 ECMM/ISHAM All CAPA pts in 2nd wave on CS: Dexa 6 mg 10 ds no CVD 4/13
DM 3/13
HTN 2/13
COPD 1/13
ARF 1/13
1st vs. 2nd wave poss and prob CAPA:
15.2% vs. 25% (p = 0.36) In total: 19.7%
NM 40–50% mortality in both groups
Obata R. et al. [95]
R, 226 COVID-19 hosp pts, 57 on CS vs. 169 no-CS NM Dexa (48/57),
P (6/57), MP (1/57), MP + P 1/57,
HC 1/57
Max 10ds 20/57 Toci NM CAPA in CS vs. no-CS: 5.3% vs. 0.6%
CAPA in toci vs. no-toci: 5% vs. 5.4%
Prattes et al. [111]
Europe, USA
MC, P, MN 592 COVID-19 ICU pts 2020 ECMM/ISHAM Majority on GCS NM Toci Age
Proven: 1.9%,
Prob 13.5% poss: 3%
No-CAPA: 81.6%
ICU admis-CAPA: 8 ds
Survival in CAPA pts vs. non-CAPA: 29% vs. 57%
Rutsaert et al. [99]
n = 20 MV pts med 66 yo (56–77) AspICU 1/7 CS (pemphigus) NM NM 4/7 DL
2/7 obesity
3/7 DM
3/7 HTN
7/20 (35%) proven IPA Sx onset—IPA: 11–23 ds 4/7 died
Van Biesen et al. [100]
42 MV ICU pts (9 IPA vs. 33 non-IPA) AspICU + GMI ≥ 1 No CS NA NM 1/9 SOT
COPD and asthma more common in IPA group
9/42 NM 22% IPA vs. 15.1% non-IPA (p = 0.6)
White et al. [30]
n = 137 ICU pts screened for IFI
AspICU, IAPA, CAPA 12/25 different CS N/M no 12/25 CRD
8/25 HTN
6/25 DM
6/25 obesity
5/25 CA
14.1% CAPA ICU admiss- (+) Aspergillus tests: 8 ds (0–35) CAPA mortality 57.9% depending on appropriate Tx

admis = admission, ARF = Acute Renal Failure, BAS = Bronchial aspirate, BSI = Blood-stream infections, BW = body weight, CFR = Case Fatality Rate, CS = corticosteroids, CRD = Chronic Respiratory Disease, cumul = cumulative, CVD = cardiovascular disease, DL = dyslipidemia, Ds = days, dexa = dexamethasone, DM = diabetes mellitus, Dx = diagnosis, ECMO = Extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation, GM = galactomannan, GM = Galactomannan, GMI = galactomannan index, HD = high dose, HTN = Hypertension, IA = Invasive Aspergillosis, IFI = invasive fungal infection, intub = intubation, IST = immunosuppressive therapy, MC = Multicenter, med = median, MN = multi-national, MP = methylprednisolone, MV = mechanically ventilated, m = median, n = number of patients, NA = not applicable, NM = not mentioned, O = observational, OR = odds Ratio, P = Prospective, prev = previous, prob = probable, put = putative, R = Retrospective, resp sampl on deterior = respiratory sampling on deterioration, ROM = Rhino-orbital mucormycosis, saril = sarilumab, SC = single center, Sx = symptom, Toci = tocilizumab, unclass = unclassified.