Fig. 6.
Synthesis process for the MI-MOF/CF composite (A), adsorption isotherms of NOR (B), and adsorption performances of MOF/CF and MI-MOF/CF on NOR, IBU, NAP, SMM, and CAF (C). Reprinted with permission of Elsevier from ref. (Liu et al. 2021d). Ce equilibrium concentration; PF polyurethane foam; CF carbon foam; MI-MOF molecular imprinting metal–organic framework; MI-MOF/CF molecular imprinting metal–organic frameworks/carbon foam; NH2-MIL-101 aminated porous chromium-benzenedicarboxylate; NH2-MIL-101/CF aminated porous chromium-benzenedicarboxylate/carbon foam; NOR norfloxacin; NAP naproxen; IBU ibuprofen; SMM sulfadimethoxine; CAF caffeine