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. 2022 Apr 11;17(4):e0265487. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0265487

Table 3. Full blood count and CSF findings in 393 ABM children.

Variable Mean (SD) Range
Full blood count
Haemoglobin (g/dl) 10.0 (2.1) 3.7–14.2
Total leukocyte count (cells/mm3) 13,399 (7,862) 1,700–35,000
Neutrophils (%) 64.4 (19.2) 11.8–96.1
Neutrophilia, N (%) 296 (75.4)
Lymphocytes (%) 28.7 (16.0) 2.3–66.0
Platelets (cells/mm3) 321,350 (170,242) 16,000–738,000
CSF findings
Clear 194 49.4
Turbid 184 46.8
Bloody 15 3.8
Total white blood cells (cells/mm3), median (IQR) 110 (95–128) 5–12,400
Neutrophils (%), median (IQR) 70.8 (51.7–88.9)
Neutrophilia (>50%), N (%) 297 (75.6)
Mononuclear cells (%), median (IQR) 29.2 (11.1–48.3)
Protein (mg/dl), mean (SD) 182 (49) 101–305
Glucose (mg/dl), mean (SD) 57.6 (23.8) 8.0–111.0

CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; IQR, interquartile range; SD, standard deviation.

Categorical data are N (%).