(A) Mean Looking Times elicited by Expected and Unexpected outcomes in the two experiments. The asterisk indicates a significant interaction between Outcome (Expected/Unexpected) and Experiment (F1,51 = 4.244, p = 0.045) and a significantly higher looking time observed for the Unexpected outcome in Experiment 1 (Encoding Absence) than in Experiment 2 (Encoding Presence) (Scheffé test, p = 0.028). Error bars represent standard error of the mean. (B) Lateralization Index as a function of Experiment and types of outcome. Asterisks indicate a significant interaction between Outcome (Expected/Unexpected) and Experiment (F1,51 = 4.652, p = 0.036) and a significantly higher left-eye bias observed for the Unexpected outcome in Experiment 2 (Encoding Absence) than in Experiment 1 (Encoding Presence) (Scheffé test, p = 0.023), suggesting that the Lateralization Index is sensitive to violations of expectation regarding the absence of objects. For box plots, the horizontal line represents the median, yellow diamonds depict the mean values, box height depicts first and third quartiles, and vertical lines represent the 95th percentile. Dots represent the outliers of the data set.