WGD TFs by DNA-binding domain (DBD) family: Shown are the number of TFs in each family divided into WGD duplicates and singletons. (
TFs promoter-binding signal (pbs) using ChEC-seq identifies known and new target promoters: Pbs distribution for all WGD-generated TF paralogs (top violin plot, log-scale) and direct paralog-paralog comparison (x-axis first paralog). Manually curated and chromatin immunoprecipitation with DNA microarray (ChIP-chip) targets from
Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome database (SGD) (
Cherry et al., 2012) are highlighted and intra-pair Pearson’s r indicated (scatter plot, left-top corner). (
Distinct and reproducible binding profiles for 60 mapped TFs: Binding signal correlation (bottom triangle: promoters, top triangle: 7-mers, Pearson’s r) between all repeats for all profiled TFs (each row/column corresponds to an individual biological repeat, number of repeats indicated in parenthesis, * indicates profiles obtained from
Brodsky et al., 2020).