Appendix 1—figure 10. Structural comparisons of the Low2 site.
(A) Superposition of the Low2 site and its surrounding environment between the T. vulcanus PsaB (purple) (PDB: 6K33) and the P. sativum PsaB (orange) and PsaG (pink) (PDB: 4XK8). Tyr93 of the P. sativum PsaG involved in the binding of Chl1G is shown in a stick model. (B) Multiple sequence alignment of PsaG using ClustalW and ESPript. The species shown are Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Physcomitrella patens, Pisum sativum, and Zea mays. The pink box displays the tyrosine residue involved in the binding of Chl1G.