NMJs were analyzed using a published Fiji macro (
Nijhof et al., 2016) that uses HRP to outline boutons. NMJ area, length, and number of boutons were quantified specifically for 1s boutons. (
A–F) Representative images of the NMJ on muscles 7/6 from control (
A–C) and transhet (
D–F) animals. NMJs are labeled with HRP (red). NMJ outlines showing 1s boutons and branch architecture as outputs from the Macro are under each NMJ image. (
G–I) Quantification of 1s NMJ parameters showing reduced NMJ size and boutons in
Lar/Sns transhets and
Lar mutants (red) compared to het controls (blue). Data is average from segments A2–A4 from minimum 30 NMJs per genotype. All datasets were analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-hoc correction. ****p<0.0001. Scale bar, 20 µm.