Confocal projections and single optical slices showing Lar and Sns expression in the 72 hr APF (A–D’) and adult (E–L’) MB, co-stained with FasII antibody (magenta). Projections of the entire MB are shown in A, A’, C, C’, E, E’, G, G’, I, I’, K, and K’. The rest are single optical slices. (A–B’) Strong Lar expression is seen in all lobes of the 72 hr APF MB. (C–D’) Weak Sns expression is seen in α and β lobes of the 72 hr APF MB (D–D’, arrows). Expression is seen only in older axons in the α and β lobes with hollow cores in the center of the lobes (D–D’, asterisks). Lar continues to be strongly expressed in α and β lobes of the adult MB (E–H’). (F–F’) Single optical slice from the adult MB showing strong Lar>GFP expression in the α and β lobes, co-localizing with FasII staining. (G, G’) Projection of confocal slices showing the entire adult MB, double-stained for GFP (green) and Trio (magenta). Trio labels the γ, α′, and β′ lobes of the adult MB. (H, H’) Single optical slice showing no detectable Lar>GFP expression in the Trio-expressing α′ and β′ lobes (H’, arrow). Weak expression is seen in the γ lobe (G’, asterisk). (J, J’) Single optical slice showing faint Sns expression in the α and β lobes (J’, arrows). (L, L’) Single optical slice showing no Sns expression in the γ, α′, and β′ lobes (L’, arrows).