Confocal projections and single optical slices showing Lar>GFP and Sns>GFP expression in the adult OL. Brains were double-stained for GFP (green) and either anti-HRP (blue) or Chaoptin (24B10; red), which labels photoreceptor axons. (
A, A’) Single optical slice showing Lar expression (green) in the adult fly OL. (
B, B’) Single optical slice showing Lar>GFP expression in L1 Lamina neurons (
B’, arrowhead) and in layers M1 and M5 (asterisks in
B’) of the adult medulla. (
C–D’) Single optical slices showing Sns>GFP expression (green) in the adult OL. Strong Sns>GFP expression is seen in layers M1 and M5 of the adult medulla (
D’, asterisks). Sns expression is also seen in the same dot-like pattern at the top of the lamina neuropil as seen in the pupal OL (
D’, arrow). Sns>GFP does not appear to colocalize with 24B10, suggesting that it is not in R7 or R8 photoreceptors. (
E–E’’) Single optical slice showing Sns expression in the 72 hr after puparium formation (APF) OL. Entire OL is shown in (
E). (
E’) shows close-up of the lamina. Note the dot-like endings of Sns-expressing neurons in the lamina neuropil. These endings most closely resemble those of C2 neurons (
Tuthill et al., 2013). (
E’’) Sns reporter expression seen in M1, M5, and M10 layers of the medulla (asterisks), resembling C2 arborization pattern in the medulla (
Tuthill et al., 2013). (
F–F’’) Single optical slice showing the projection pattern of C2 neurons in the adult OL. A split-GAL4 driver (
Tuthill et al., 2013) was crossed to UAS-GFP reporter to visualize the arborization pattern. The dot-like endings at the top of the lamina neuropil (
F’, arrow) are similar to the dot-like endings seen with Sns in (
E’). C2 neurons arborize in M1, M5, and M10 layers of the medulla (
F’’, asterisks), similar to Sns (
E’’). Scale bar, 20 µm.