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. 2022 Apr 11;5:344. doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03308-w

Table 1.

Transformation and event quality efficiencies of different sorghum transformation systems.

Transformation system Construct Selectable marker Genotype # of embryos infected # of T0 plants (eff.)a # of T0 QE (freq.)b # of Marker-free T0 plants (eff.)c # of T0 escape plants (freq.)d # of Co-transformation in T0 plants (freq.)e
Conventional pPHP86655 NPTII Tx430 472 99 (21.9%) 58 (58.5%) 0
pPHP87980 NPTII Macia 973 7 (0.7%) NA NA
Integrated morphogenic gene-enabled pPHP79066 (Axig1pro:Wus2/Pltppro:Bbm) Hra Tx430 250 97 (38.8%) 47 (48.5%) 0
pPHP79066 (Axig1pro:Wus2/Pltppro:Bbm) Hra Tx623 246 16 (6.5%) NA NA
pPHP79066 (Axig1pro:Wus2/Pltppro:Bbm) Hra Tx2752 200 19 (9.5%) NA NA
Morphogenic gene-enabled excision-induced selection-activation pPHP81814 (Axig1pro:Wus2/Pltppro:Bbm) Hra Tx430 248 173 (69.7%) 66 (38.2%) 0
pPHP81814 (Axig1pro:Wus2/Pltppro:Bbm) Hra Macia 249 50 (20.0%) NA NA
pPHP81814 (Axig1pro:Wus2/Pltppro:Bbm) Hra Tegemeo 210 36 (17.1%) NA NA
pPHP81814 (Axig1pro:Wus2/Pltppro:Bbm) Hra Malisor 84-7 230 50 (21.7%) NA NA
pPHP86482 (Axig1pro:Wus2/Pltppro:Bbm) Hra Tx430 241 147 (60.9%) 69 (46.9%) 0
Integrated Wus2-enabled pPHP96564 (Pltppro:Wus2) NPTII Tx430 378 222 (58.7%) 117 (52.7%) 0
pPHP96564 (Pltppro:Wus2) NPTII Tx623 247 39 (15.8%) 19 (48.7%) 0
Wus2/CRE-enabled marker-free pPHP94632 (Pltppro:Wus2) NPTII Tx430 185 54 (29.2%) 17 (31.4%) 32 (59.2%) 2 (3.7%)
pPHP94292 (Pltppro:Wus2) NPTII Tx430 169 54 (31.9%) 19 (35.2%) 33 (61.1%) 0
Non-integrated Wus2-enabled altruistic (90%) pPHP86655 + (10%) pPHP87078 (3xENH:Pltppro:Wus2/Sb-Ubipro:Zs-GREEN1) NPTII Tx430 370 135 (36.5%) 76 (56.3%) 0 6 (4.4%)
(90%) pPHP87980 + (10%) pPHP88158 (3xENH:Pltppro:Wus2/NOSpro:Crc) NPTII Macia 1072 162 (15.1%) 95 (58.6%) 0 7 (4.3%)

NA, not available.

aThe number in the parentheses represents the transformation efficiency. The transformation efficiency was calculated as the number of regenerated shoots recovered per 100 embryos infected.

bFor conventional and morphogenic gene-enabled transformations, the transgenic plant carrying a single copy of the intact T-DNA integration without vector backbone was defined as ‘quality event (QE)’. For morphogenic gene-enabled excision-induced selection-activation transformation, the transgenic plant carrying a single copy of the intact T-DNA integration without vector backbone and Wus2/Bbm/moCRE/GREEN1 cassette was defined as ‘quality event (QE)’. For Wus2/moCRE-enabled marker-free transformation, the transgenic plants carrying a single copy of the intact T-DNA integration without vector backbone and Wus2/moCRE/NPTII cassette was defined as ‘quality event (QE)’. For altruistic transformation, the transgenic plant carrying a single copy of the intact T-DNA integration without vector backbone and altruistic T-DNA co-integration was defined as ‘quality event (QE)’. The number in the parentheses represents the percentage of QE.

cThe number in the parentheses represents the percentage of Wus2/moCRE/NPTII cassette excision efficiency or marker-free efficiency.

dThe number in the parentheses represents the percentage of non-transgenic escapes.

eThe number in the parentheses represents the percentage of co-transformation.