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. 2022 Mar 25;22(7):2538. doi: 10.3390/s22072538
AAER automated affect and/or emotion recognition
ABP arterial blood pressure
AI artificial intelligence
AMIGOS a dataset for Affect, personality and Mood research on Individuals and GrOupS
ASCERTAIN a multimodal databaASe for impliCit pERsonaliTy and Affect recognitIoN using commercial physiological sensors
AuDB-4 AUgsburg Database of Biosignal 4
BVP blood volume pressure
CV cardiovascular
DAG Database for Affective Gaming
DECAF MEG-based multimodal database for DECoding AFfective physiological responses
DEAP Database for Emotion Analysis using Physiological signals
DL deep learning
DTA diagnostic test accuracy
ECG electrocardiogram
EDA electrodermal activity
EEG electroencephalography
EMG electromyography
emoFBVP database of multimodal (Face, Body gesture, Voice and Physiological signals) recordings
EPQ Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
ERS Emotion Recognition Smartwatch
HCI human–computer interaction
HR heart rate
HRV heart rate variability
ICP intracranial pressure
ITMDER IT Multimodal Dataset for Emotion Recognition
MAHNOB-HCI Multimodal Analysis of Human NOnverbal Behaviour in real-world settings-Human-Computer Interaction
MAPD Multi-subject Affective Physiological Database
MD Mazeball Dataset
MEG magnetoencephalography
ML machine learning
MPED Multi-modal Physiological Emotion Database for discrete emotion recognition
NB naive Bayes
OSF Open Science Framework
PANAS Positive and Negative Affect Schedule
POX pulse oximetry
PPG photoplethysmogram
PPV pulse pressure variation
PRISMA Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses
PROBAST Prediction model Risk Of Bias ASsessment Tool
QUADAS QUality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies
RF random forest
RoB Risk of Bias
SAM Self-Assessment Manikin
TSST Trier Social Stress Test
VRAD Virtual Reality Affective Dataset
WESAD WEarable Stress and Affect Detection