Table 1.
Mean squares of the combined analysis of variance across different environments for primary and secondary traits
Traits | Genotype G | Environment E | Interaction G X E |
HI | 0.00753c | 1.33432c | 0.00440c |
GY | 1604151c | 284430102c | 1125063b |
GN | 13979431c | 1820498352c | 10631742a |
SPI | 0.00419c | 0.33176c | 0.00334c |
FE | 1147.4c | 8185.1c | 1531.6c |
NDVI | 43.8c | 12,681.6c | 17.7 |
CT | 1.7a | 3733.3c | 1.4 |
HI harvest index, GY grain yield in kg ha− 1, GN grain number m− 2, SPI spike partitioning index, FE fruiting efficiency in grains g− 1 of spike dry weight at anthesis+ 7 days, NDVI normalized difference vegetation index, CT canopy temperature in o C
a, b, csignificant at 0.05, 0.005 and 0.001 levels, respectively