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. 2021 Dec 23;102(3):pzab299. doi: 10.1093/ptj/pzab299

Table 3.

Predictors of Hand Grip Strength and Sit-to-Stand Test Performancea

Women Men
Muscle Strength Test and Candidate Predictor Estimate SE P R 2 Estimate SE P R 2
Hand grip strength, kg 0.315 0.384
 Age, y −0.028 0.009 .002 −0.064 0.023 .005
 Height, m 0.362 0.022 <.001 0.430 0.052 <.001
 Weight, kg
 BMI, kg/m2
 PROMIS PF CAT 0.097 0.020 <.001 0.166 0.049 .001
 ASM/height2, kg/m2 1.110 0.098 <.001 2.787 0.270 <.001
 5×-STS, sb
 30s-STS, no. of standsb 0.369 0.036 <.001 0.457 0.088 <.001
 Constant −51.052 3.866 <.001 −71.224 9.648 <.001
5×-STS , s 0.305 0.247
 Age, y 0.014 0.004 <.001 0.023 0.006 <.001
 Race <.001 .001
  Asian vs White 0.296 0.202 .144 −0.182 0.308 .554
  Black vs White 1.102 0.209 <.001 1.606 0.392 <.001
  Other vs White −0.418 0.497 .400 0.548 0.730 .453
 Height, m 0.059 0.010 <.001 0.047 0.014 .001
 Weight, kg 0.038 0.005 <.001
 BMI, kg/m2
 PROMIS PF CAT −0.081 0.008 <.001 −0.084 0.012 <.001
 ASM/height2, kg/m2 −0.203 0.064 .002
 Hand grip strength, kg −0.092 0.010 <.001 −0.051 0.009 <.001
 Constant 4.281 1.620 .008 6.425 2.441 .009
30s-STS, no. of stands 0.305 0.247
 Age, y −0.026 0.006 <.001 −0.029 0.010 .005
 Race <.001 .005
  Asian vs White −0.131 0.343 .703 0.390 0.558 .485
  Black vs White −1.828 0.352 <.001 −2.440 0.708 .001
  Other vs White 1.535 0.842 .069 −0.792 1.318 .548
 Height, m −0.120 0.016 .001
 Weight, kg −0.071 0.009 <.001 −0.111 0.025 <.001
 BMI, kg/m2 0.232 0.083 .006
 PROMIS PF CAT 0.136 0.014 <.001 0.124 0.023 <.001
 ASM/height2, kg/m2 0.457 0.108 <.001
 Hand grip strength, kg 0.163 0.016 <.001 0.113 0.017 <.001
 Constant 27.394 2.738 <.001 9.676 1.983 <.001

a Determined using stepwise linear regression with age forced to stay in the model. 30s-STS = 30-s sit-to-stand test; 5×-STS = 5-times sit-to-stand test; ASM = appendicular skeletal muscle mass; BMI = body mass index; IQR = interquartile range; PROMIS PF CAT = physical function domain of the National Institutes of Health Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System computerized adaptive test.

b Either the 5×-STS or the 30s-STS was included, depending on which yielded the highest R2 value in the stepwise regression.