(A) The crystal structures of LukE in P212121 (Apo 1, green) and I4 (Apo 2, cyan) space groups are shown in cartoon representation and overlaid onto the previously published crystal structure of LukE (magenta), also in I4 space group (PDB code 3ROH). (B) Optimized ensemble of 10 models corresponding to the fitted SAXS profile in C. The N-terminal extension belonging to the signal peptide and the C-terminal polyhistidine tag are shown in orange and black, respectively. The CAP, RIM, and STEM domains are colored in cyan, deep blue and light blue, respectively. Other regions of interest are also indicated such as the D-region, and divergent loops 1–4. (C) Small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) profiles of LukE measured at 1, 2, and 4 mg/ml are shown as black, red and green lines, respectively. The merged SAXS curve is shown as a brown line with the fitting curve obtained using the ensemble optimization method (EOM) in orange. (D) Radius of gyration distributions for the initial pool ensemble (gray area and black line) and for the optimized ensembles (red bars) obtained using the merged SAXS curve.