FIG. 3.
Detection of MexX with antiserum directed against synthetic oligopeptide containing part of the amino acid sequence of MexX. Each lane contains 25 μg of total membrane protein. PAO1 (lanes 1 to 4, and 9), KG2225 (lane 5), KG2239 (lane 6), N135 (lane 7), N136 (lane 8), and N126 (lane 10) were grown in MHB (lanes 1, 7, and 8) or MHB containing 8 (lane 2), 1 (lane 5), or 0.25 (lane 6) μg of tetracycline per ml, 128 μg of erythromycin per ml (lane 3), 0.5 μg of gentamicin per ml (lane 4), or 1 (lane 9) or 0.25 (lane 10) μg of ofloxacin per ml. The MICs of ofloxacin for PAO1 and N126 in MHB were 2 and 0.5 μg/ml, respectively.