Fig. 4. In situ diffraction analysis.
a–c Contour plots of in situ PXRD data recorded in parallel to adsorption of MP at 300 K (gray) (a), at 300 K with 365 nm irradiation (blue) (b) and at 296 K (red) (c) and corresponding evolution of peak intensity of the (111) reflection of DUT-163op (open squares) and (E)-DUT-163cp (filled triangles) at 3.1° and 4.02°, respectively (d). e, f Selected PXRD patterns and magnified wide angle region as inset before (middle bottom) and after (middle top) structural contraction at 299 K upon irradiation with 365 nm (e) and at 295 K without irradiation (f) in comparison to simulated PXRD patterns and peak positions for DUT-163op (purple) and (E)-DUT-163cp (orange).