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. 2022 Apr 12;12(4):e8805. doi: 10.1002/ece3.8805



Flowchart of operations used by Mojave Seed Menus to create species lists for restoration sites. Users can supply restoration site locations as coordinates, map clicks in a browser, or point/polygon shapefiles. Next, users can specify a habitat suitability threshold if desired. This value determines the minimum probability of occurrence necessary for a species to be recommended at an input site (e.g., if the threshold is set at 0.4, all species will have an SDM occurrence probability of 0.4 or higher at an input site in the final seed menu). The application will then extract habitat probabilities (accounting for user‐specified thresholds) from spatially stacked SDMs and pair these habitat probabilities with user‐selected species traits in a downloadable seed menu table