Cas9 Srsf2P95H/+ cell lines show similar missplicing changes as primary cells. (A) A schematic diagram depicting the experimental design for RNA sequencing. (B) An MA plot showing differentially expressed genes in the Srsf2P95H/+ cells compared with Srsf2+/+; red dots = FDR < .05, absolute fold change >2, genes without symbols are not labeled. (C) The number of misspliced events in GM-CSF Srsf2P95H/+ cells. A3SS alternative 3' splicing site; A5SS, alternative 5' splicing site; MXE, mutually exclusive exon; RI, retained intron; SE, skipped exon. (D) Scatter plots of the GM-CSF Srsf2P95H/+ cells showing the skipped (cassette) exons and mutually exclusive exon events. Gray dots, <5% difference between genotypes; blue dots, P < .05 and >5% difference between genotypes; red dots, q < .05 and >5% difference between genotypes. (E) Sashimi plot of selected missplicing events in the myeloid cell lines.