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. 2022 Apr 13;22:315. doi: 10.1186/s12884-022-04604-3

Table 2.

Studies reporting associations between IPV during pregnancy and child health (with adjustment of confounders)

Author and year Country Sample size (n) and setting Outcome Association with outcome
Prospective cohort studies
  Dolatian, Mahmoodi [28] Iran 400 Birthweight

IPV has indirect effect on birthweight in the path analysis of the model:

B= − 0.016

  Nguyen, Ngo [29] Vietnam 1,276 Low birthweight and gestational age

• Physical IPV significantly associated with higher odd of preterm birth: aOR = 5.5 (2.1–14.1).

• Physical IPV significantly associated with higher odd of low birth weight: aOR = 5.7 (2.2–14.9).

  Ribeiro, Batista [30] Brazil 1,146 Breastfeeding

The higher HR of not being breastfed within the first year of life was significantly associated with:

• Violence (by partners/family members) before/during pregnancy increased: HR = 1.39 (1.03–1.88)

• Recurrent physical/emotional/sexual violence during pregnancy: HR = 1.46 (1.11–1.92)

Cross sectional studies
  Laelago, Belachew [37] Ethiopia



Low birth weight All IPV: aOR = 14.3 (5.1–40.7)
  Lobato, Reichenheim [8] Brazil



Intrauterine growth restriction Psychological IPV: aOR = 1.15 (1.07–1.23)
  Kana, Safiyan [36] Nigeria



Low birth weight Physical, psychological and sexual IPV were all significantly associated to higher risk.
Case control study
  Wondimye, Bezatu [45] Ethiopia

103 cases and 412 controls


Neonatal mortality

• Sexual violence during pregnancy increased the risk of outcome: aOR = 3.20 (1.09–9.33).

• Psychological and physical violence during pregnancy were not significantly associated.

aOR adjusted odd ratio, HR hazard ratio. The range of aOR or HR in the parenthesis in the 95% CI of the aOR or HR