MAGU-2 interacts with MPZ-1.A, mass spectrometry hits for MAGU-2::GFP pull down plotted as correlation between fold-change score and Saint-Express Value. B, schematic representation of predicted protein domains of human PATJ, MUPP1, Drosophila PATJ, and MPZ-1. C, multiple alignment of the L27 domains in Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Danio rerio, Drosophila melanogaster, and Caenorhabditis elegans. D, schematic representation of the different fragments of MAGU-2 used for the Y2H assay. E, interaction of MAGU-2 and MPZ-1 in the Y2H assay. Fragments of MAGU-2b fused to the Gal4 activation domain were coexpressed with the full length of MPZ-1 fused to the Gal4 DNA-binding domain. Growth on the -Leu -Trp -His plate indicates the presence of interaction. Lack of growth on -Leu -His + cycloheximide plate shows that DB::MPZ-1 is not self-activating. Controls are protein pairs that result in known levels of reporter activation and yeast growth, from no reporter activation or growth to strong reporter activation and WT growth levels. L27, Lin-2 and Lin-7 domain; Y2H, yeast two hybrid.