Table S1.
1) Gender |
A) Female |
B) Male |
2) Job title/rank |
A) Staff registrar |
B) Senior resident |
C) Associate consultant |
D) Consultant |
E) Senior consultant |
3) Years of practice in emergency department |
4) Area of interest/subspecialties |
5) Any formal palliative training |
A) Yes |
B) No |
6) How often do you need to discuss EOL during your daily work? |
A) Daily |
B) Weekly |
C) Every 2 weeks |
D) Every 3 weeks |
E) Every monthly |
7) How often does patient and/or family agree with your EOL care plans? |
A) Always |
B) Generally |
C) Sometimes |
D) Seldom |
E) Rarely |
8) How would you resolve any discrepancy or conflicts on EOL discussions? |
A) Escalate to senior and/or other colleagues |
B) Defer further discussions to other disciplines |
C) Try again at a later time |
D) Involvement of other or more family members |
E) Proceed with medical management that you deemed most appropriate without further discussions |
F) Others (please elaborate): _______________________ |
9) Please elaborate on above: _____________________________________________ |
10) How comfortable are you with EOL discussion with patients and/or NOK in the acute settings (1- very uncomfortable; 5-very comfortable) |
11) How comfortable are you with EOL discussions for the following group: Terminally ill or terminally decline in a progressive end-stage disease without any previous documentation of EOL from primary specialists (1-very uncomfortable; 5-very comfortable) |
12) How comfortable are you with EOL discussions for the following group: sudden and/or unexpected events such as RTA/sudden cardiopulmonary collapse/pediatric patients (1-very uncomfortable; 5-very comfortable) |
13) How comfortable are you with EOL discussions for the following group: Long-term chronic disease with organ failure & dysfunction (1-very uncomfortable; 5-very comfortable) |
14) How comfortable are you with EOL discussions for the following group: Elderly/”frailty syndrome” (1-very uncomfortable; 5-very comfortable) |
15) Do you prefer to defer the EOL discussion to inpatient team (eg. Palliative team, on-call medical team) |
Yes |
No |
Maybe |
16) Does EOL care discussion with patient and/or NOK affect you personally? |
Yes |
No |
Maybe |
17) How comfortable are you with de-escalation of care in ED (eg. Weaning down of inotropes, terminal extubations, etcs.) (1-very uncomfortable; 5-very comfortable) |
18) Do you routinely debrief your team after EOL discussion? |
Yes |
No |
Sometimes |
19) Has COVID-19 pandemic affected your approach to EOL discussion with patients? Please elaborate |
20) Please rank the following 10 barriers in order of importance (least to very important): |
A) Patient’s age |
B) Access to background information (eg. Spiritual/cultural needs) |
C) Lack of rapport |
D) Communication with patient, families and other clinicians |
E) Understanding of palliative care and evidence-based EOL pathways |
F) Role uncertainty with lack of collaborative support/partnerships |
G) Complex and/or lack of support systems and processes in your ED |
H) Time, space and ED design constrains |
I) Limited training, experiences and educational resources |
J) Uncertainty on quality EOL care educational resources |
Uncertainty on quality EOL care |
EOL: End-of-life