FIG 4.
Effect of early ARV on total CD8 Tregs and CD39+ CD8 Tregs. (A) Gating strategy used in flow cytometry to define CD8 Tregs (FoxP3+ CD8 T cells) and CD39+ CD8 Tregs (CD8+ FoxP3+ CD39+) in both whole blood and MLNs. (B) Percentages of total CD8 Tregs in both whole blood and MLNs. (C) Dynamics of total CD8 Tregs in matched blood versus MLNs of early ARV-treated animals. (D) Percentages of CD39+ CD8 Tregs in both whole blood and MLNs. (E) Dynamics of CD39+ CD8 Tregs in matched blood versus MLNs of early ARV-treated animals. Statistical significance is indicated in the figures. Differences among five study groups was determined by nonparametric Mann-Whitney rank test for unpaired variables, while the Wilcoxon rank tests were used for paired variables in the early ARV-treated group. Sample size in cross-sectional analysis as follows: uninfected, n = 10 in blood and n = 2 in MLNs; early untreated, n = 13 in blood and n = 6 in MLNs; early ARV treated, n = 8 in blood and n = 6 in MLNs; early ARV interrupted, n = 5 in blood and n = 5 in MLNs; and chronic, n = 4 in blood and n = 3 in MLNs. Sample size in paired analysis, n = 5.