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. 2022 Feb 19;115(2):417–429. doi: 10.1093/jee/toac006

Table 4.

The mean consumption (g) of patty per colony per day within the treatment groups in 2018 (at each week and in total)

Time point Global 15% Feedbee Bee Pollen-Ate 25% Trio ANOVA
F df P
Week 1 64.1b 33.5d 46.5c 76.6a 38.98 3, 101 0.0001
Week 2 43.4b 24.8c 47.6b 69.9a 54.75 3, 101 0.0001
Week 3 36.1b 16.3c 35.9b 48.2a 33.11 3, 101 0.0001
Week 4 34.2b 14.0c 32.2b 46.4a 34.31 3, 101 0.0001
Week 5 39.4a 16.7b 35.7a 42.5a 22.94 3, 101 <0.0001
Cumulative total 1379.2b 664.7c 1259.4b 1792.5a 47.38 3, 101 <0.0001
Consumption Within Trio Treatment
Cumulative total 807.5a 302.3b 735.3a 125.18 2, 77 <0.0001

In the main experiment, each colony received only one patty type. Average consumption for each patty type within the Trio treatment in which each colony received all the feed types is also shown. Treatment means followed by different letters within each row vary significantly according to ANOVA followed by Tukey's HSD test.