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. 2022 Mar 30;13:851562. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.851562


Leaf area index (LAI) at flowering (FL), aboveground total dry weight (TDW), radiation use efficiency (RUE), and related parameters at maturity for four treatments at Jingzhou.

Year (Y) Treatment (T) LAI at FL IR (MJ m–2) IPAR (MJ m–2) LIP (%) TDW (g m–2) RUE (g MJ–1)
2017 CK 3.49 c 1,820 487.7 d 78.4 d 1,153.5 d 2.37 d
FP 6.45 b 1,836 639.0 c 81.5 c 1,580.0 c 2.47 c
OPTN 6.60 b 1,836 661.8 b 84.5 b 1,675.2 b 2.53 b
OPT+N 7.08 a 1,847 722.3 a 87.4 a 1,876.6 a 2.60 a
Mean 5.9 1,835 627.7 83 1571.3 2.49
2018 CK 3.71 c 1,753 723.7 d 68.5 d 1,516.0 d 2.09 c
FP 5.90 b 1,755 788.1 c 76.8 c 2,013.8 c 2.56 b
OPTN 6.63 b 1,795 822.4 b 84.3 b 2,134.8 b 2.60 ab
OPT+N 8.49 a 1,847 853.3 a 87.9 a 2,288.6 a 2.68 a
Mean 6.18 1,509 796.9 79.4 1,988.3 2.48
2019 CK 2.52 d 1,943 554.3 c 51.1 d 1,201.4 d 2.17 c
FP 5.52 c 1,962 743.7 b 75.2 c 2,039.0 c 2.74 b
OPTN 7.34 b 1,987 764.2 ab 82.8 b 2,155.5 b 2.82 a
OPT+N 8.66 a 2,163 783.3 a 86.2 a 2,240.5 a 2.86 a
Mean 6.01 2,000 711.4 73.8 1,909.1 2.65
2020 CK 2.72 c 1,630 533.1 d 59.0 d 1,193.2 d 2.24 c
FP 4.79 b 1,716 650.2 c 77.6 c 1,700.0 c 2.61 b
OPTN 5.78 a 1,741 737.0 b 83.5 b 1,993.2 b 2.70 ab
OPT+N 6.10 a 1,763 770.4 a 86.5 a 2,147.5 a 2.79 a
Mean 4.85 1,711 672.6 76.7 1,758.5 2.59
Analysis of variance Year (Y) 1.82* 8.48** 5.88* 3.22* 7.85**
Treatment (T) 12.33** 20.55** 12.54** 51.21** 61.77**
Y × T 21.01* 55.88** 28.20** 11.24** 32.34**

IR, total solar radiation; IPAR, intercepted photosynthetically active radiation; LIP, light interception percentage; ns, not significant. Different lowercase letters within columns indicate significant differences at P < 0.05; *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.