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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2023 May 1.
Published in final edited form as: Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2022 May 1;41(5):e194–e202. doi: 10.1097/INF.0000000000003505

Table 1.

Characteristics of Child Household Contacts (n=303) of RR-TB and their Adult Index Participants and Households (N=152)*

Characteristics Index
Individual Characteristics
Country (Number of Sites): N (%)
 Botswana (1) 7 (5%) 18 (6%)
 Haiti (1) 6 (4%) 15 (5%)
 India (2) 23 (15%) 36 (12%)
 Peru (2) 39 (26%) 73 (24%)
 South Africa (7) 73 (48%) 156 (51%)
 Thailand (1) 4 (3%) 5 (2%)
Sex: N (%)
 Male 72 (47%) 155 (51%)
 Female 80 (53%) 148 (49%)
Age (years): median (range), IQR, N (%)
 median (range) 34 (18, 67) 7 (0, 14)
 interquartile range (24, 41) (3, 10)
 <5 102 (34%)
 5-9 112 (37%)
 10-14 89 (29%)
 18-24 39 (26%)
 25-34 41 (27%)
 35-49 51 (34%)
 ≥50 21 (14%)
Age (years)/Currently or Ever in School: N (%) N/A
 Age <5 102 (34%)
 Age 5-14, Currently or Ever in School 187 (62%)
 Age 5-14, Never in School 14 (5%)
Smoking Status: N (%)
 Current 31 (20%) 1 (<1%)
 Previous/Never 121 (80%) 302 (>99%)
HIV Status: N (%)
 HIV-positive 57 (38%) 6 (2%)
 HIV-negative 87 (57%) 180 (59%)
 Unknown 8 (5%) 117 (39%)
History of Previous TB before Current Diagnosis (Index Participant) or Previous TB Treatment (HHC): N (%)
 Yes 77 (51%) 9 (3%)
 No/unknown 75 (49%) 294 (97%)
Duration of Index Participant TB Treatment at Enrollment of Index Participant or HHC (days): median (range), IQR
 median (range) 56 (1, 190) 68 (2, 239)
 interquartile range (20, 119) (21, 116)
TB Preventive Therapy (HHC): N (%)
 Current 20 (7%)
 Previous 29 (10%)
 Never 254 (84%)
Any Signs or Symptoms Consistent with TB (HHC): N (%) N/A
 Yes 69 (23%)
 No 234 (77%)
Cavitation on Chest X-raya: N (%)
 Yes 46 (30%) 1 (<1%)
 No 60 (39%) 54 (18%)
 Unknown 46 (30%) 248 (82%)
Smear Status (Diagnosis for Index Participant and Current for HHC)a: N (%)
 Positive 76 (50%) 2 (1%)
 Negative 38 (25%) 91 (30%)
 Unknown 38 (25%) 210 (69%)
Bacteriological Confirmation (Culture or Molecular Test)a: N (%)
 Yes 152 (100%) 4 (1%)
 No 0 (0%) 89 (29%)
 Not Done/No Result 0 (0%) 210 (69%)
IGRA Result: N (%) NA
 Positive 160 (53%)
 Negative 119 (39%)
 Indeterminate/Borderline 4 (1%)
 Unknown 20 (7%)
Household Characteristics
Number of Household Members: median (range), IQR
 median (range) 6 (2, 22)
 interquartile range (5, 8)
Housing Type: N (%)
 House 102 (67%)
 Apartment/Unit off Open Hall or Courtyard 10 (7%)
 Other 40 (26%)
Flooring Material: N (%)
 Hardwood/Vinyl or Ceramic Tile/Carpet 62 (41%)
 Planks/Cement/Dirt/Other 89 (59%)
 Unknown 1 (1%)
Exterior Wall Material: N (%)
 Brick or Cinderblock/Stone with Mortar 115 (76%)
 Other 36 (24%)
 Unknown 1 (<1%)
Any Smoking in Household: N (%)
 Yes 58 (38%)
 No 92 (61%)
 Unknown 2 (1%)
Relationship of Index Participant to Child HHC and TB Exposure Characteristics
Relationship of IP to HHC: N (%)
 Mother 58 (19%)
 Father 39 (13%)
 Other 206 (68%)
Sleeping Proximity of IP to HHC: N (%)
 Same Room, Same Bed 41 (14%)
 Same Room, Different Bed 82 (27%)
 Different Room 180 (59%)
Relationship/Sleeping Proximity of IP with HHC: N (%)
 Mother/Father, Same Room 64 (21%)
 Mother/Father, Different Room 33 (11%)
 Other Relationship, Same Room 59 (19%)
 Other Relationship, Different Room 147 (49%)

Percentages do not always total to 100% due to rounding.


Abbreviations and definitions: IP, index participant; HHC, household contact; N, number; IQR, interquartile range (25th and 75th percentiles); range (minimum and maximum); NA, not available.


For index participants, the AFB sputum smear and TB diagnostic testing was done at the time of TB diagnosis by routine the TB program prior to study entry. For HHCs without a current diagnosis of TB prior to study entry the protocol requirement for specimen collection for smear microscopy and TB diagnostic testing depended on their age: for those age > 5 years, a specimen was required if the HHC had symptoms consistent with TB or an abnormal chest X-ray, and for HHCs age ≤ 5 years, a specimen was required if disease status was unknown. Despite this, 74 (60%) of children age ≤ 5 years did not have a specimen collected.