Estimated Type I error rates for tests of G × E interaction across several parameter settings for a continuously-measured genes (Section 3.2). Each estimate of Type I error is based on the proportion of 10,000 replicate datasets for which the indicated procedure identified at least one statistically significant result (at the 0.05 level) among the 𝑀 = 10,000 genes. For the subset screening step, a filtering statistic of α1 = 0.05 was used. For the weighted Bonferroni test, an initial bin size of B = 5 was used. See Section 3.2 for details on the simulation settings. The Base Model corresponds to the following simulation parameters: γ = (0,log(0.6),0), πE = 0.5, event rate ≈ 40−44%, ΣX = IP, N = 1,000. AR(ᵨ) corresponds to an autoregressive correlation structure with correlation parameter ᵨ.