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. 2022 Mar 31;10:830382. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.830382


Summary of methods and criteria used to evaluate the MG-derived neurogenesis in adult mouse retina.

Treatment Gene manipulation Lineage tracing Intermediate status capture Suggested mechanism
NMDA injury + Ascl1 OE + TSA Mouse genetics (tetO-Ascl1-ires-GFP) Stringent genetic-based (Glast-CreER;LNL-tTA or Rlbp1-CreER;LNL-tTA) Genetic-based scRNA-seq (FACS of Ascl1-GFP+ cells) Transdifferentiation; Two-step reprogramming?
NMDA injury + Nfi knockout + GF Mouse genetics (Nfia/b/xlox/lox ) Stringent genetic-based (Glast-CreER;CAG-LSL-Sun1-GFP) Genetic-based scRNA-seq (FACS of Sun1-GFP+ cells) Transdifferentiation; Two-step reprogramming?
No injury needed: 1, β-catenin OE 2, Otx2, Crx, Nrl recombinant AAVs (GFAP-β-catenin) (GFAP-Otx2, Crx, Nrl) Stringent genetic-based (GFAP-Cre;Rosa26-tdTomato) Morphological visualization (AAV-GFAP-GFP and Rhodopsin-tdTomato) Two-step reprogramming
No injury needed: Ptbp1 downregulation recombinant AAVs (GFAP-CasRx-Ptbp1) Non-stringent genetic-based (AAV-Cre in Ai9 reporter mice) No Transdifferentiation
No injury needed: Math5/Brn3b OE recomninant AAVs (GFAP-Math5-Brn3b) Non-stringent genetic-based (AAV-based GFP reporter in WT or Glast-CreER mice) AAV-based scRNA-seq and morphological visualization (GFAP-Math5-Brn3b-GFP) Transdifferentiation

OE: overexpression; GF: Growth factors.