Age |
39.10 (11.91) |
Gender |
Male |
51.50 |
Female |
47.89 |
Prefer to self-describe (coded as missing) |
.61 |
Race |
White |
78.94 |
Non-White |
21.06 |
Hispanic |
Yes |
7.87 |
No |
92.13 |
Education |
Less than college |
61.86 |
College degree or higher |
38.03 |
Missing |
.11 |
Personal experience with coronavirus |
No one had the virus |
88.64 |
Self/housemate had the virus |
7.43 |
Missing |
3.94 |
Employment status |
Not having to go to work |
58.04 |
Having to go to work |
36.47 |
Missing |
5.49 |
Living area |
City/suburb |
65.47 |
Small town/rural area |
34.53 |
Flu shot |
No |
56.60 |
Yes |
42.07 |
Not sure (coded as missing) |
1.33 |
Health conditions that increase risk for complications from COVID-19 |
No condition |
77.38 |
At least one condition |
22.28 |
Mask wearing in respondent’s community (1-never; 4-all the time) |
3.44 (.64) |
Political views (1-very liberal; 7-very conservative) |
3.38 (1.78) |
Following news about the virus (1-not at all closely; 7-very closely) |
5.56 (1.36) |