Table 3.
Type of vaccine administration error | n |
Total | 64 |
Wrong vaccine administered; MenB-4C given instead of: | 18 |
MenACWY (n = 10) | |
Other vacine not specified (n = 3) | |
Tdap (n = 2) | |
Hepatitis A (n = 1) | |
Hepatitis B (n = 1) | |
Pneumococcal (n = 1) | |
Extra doses administered (>2 doses of MenB-4C) | 10§ |
Inappropriate site of administration | 8 |
Arm, but not deltoid muscle (n = 6) | |
Leg (n = 2) | |
Inappropriate age | 7¥ |
Storage and handling | 6 |
Deviation from storage temperature (n = 6) | |
Inappropriate vaccine schedule | 5 |
Second dose given sooner (n = 3) or later (n = 2) than indicated | |
Incorrect route of administration | 4 |
Subcutaneous (n = 4) | |
Interchange of meningococcal vaccines | 3 |
MenB-4C given after a previous dose of MenB-FHbp (n = 3) | |
Expired product administered | 2 |
Contraindication or warning/precaution to vaccination | |
Pre-existing latex allergy (n = 1) | 1 |
Abbreviations: MenACWY, Meningococcal serogroups A, C, W, and Y vaccine; MenB-FHbp, Bivalent meningococcal group B vaccine; MenB-4C, Four-component meningococcal group B vaccine; Tdap, Tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis.
Five reports from the same provider.
Three reports with vaccine administered to individuals for whom the vaccine is not indicated in the U.S. (ages 5, 28, 58 years) and four to individuals younger (ages 11–14 years) than recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.