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. 2022 Mar 30;16:859239. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2022.859239


Behavioral, structural, and molecular impacts following adolescent social isolation.

Study Strain (sex) Isolation model (age of isolation onset) Behavioral impacts (age of testing) Structural impacts Molecular impacts
Liu et al., 2019 CD-1 mice (M) GH (5/cage) or SI (PND 23) ↑Soc affiliation, ↓soc rec, ↓soc memory (∼PND 93)
Zhang et al., 2021 C57BL/6J mice (M) GH (3/cage) or SI (PND 28) ↓Soc pref, ↓soc rec (5-trial soc rec task, ∼PND 56)
Liu et al., 2015 C57BL/6J mice (M) GH (3–5/cage) or (PND 21–22) ↓Soc interaction (∼4 weeks), ↑retention of fear memory (∼8 weeks)
Kercmar et al., 2011 C57BL/6J mice (M&F) GH (3/cage) or SI (PND 30–80 or PND 30–60) ↓Soc rec, (PND 80)
Varlinskaya and Spear, 2008 Sprague–Dawley rats (M&F) GH (3/cage) or SI from PND 23–28, PND 30–35, PND 37–42, or PND 65–70 Increased soc activity in familiar and unfamiliar testing situations at PND 28, increased soc activity only in unfamiliar testing situation at PND 35 and 42
Skelly et al., 2015 Long-Evans rats (M) GH (4/cage) or SI (PND 28) ↑Locomotion (OF, ∼PND 70), ↑anxiety-like behavior (OF, ∼PND 70), ↓fear extinction (∼PND 84), ↑intake (i-2BC, 20% EtOH)
Naert et al., 2011 C57BL/6J mice (M) GH (3/cage) or SI (PND 21) ↑Locomotion (OF, ∼PND 70), delayed fear extinction (∼PND 175)
Bianchi et al., 2006 Lister hooded rats (M) GH (3–4/cage) or SI (PND 25-28) ↑Locomotion (OF, PND 53–56), ↓NOR (PND 54–57)
Voikar et al., 2005 C57BL/6J and DBA/2 mice (M) GH (3/cage) or SI (PND 28) ↑Locomotion (OF), ↑anxiety-like behavior (EPM), ↓NOR, ↓freezing in contextual fear conditioning (PND 84∼112)
McLean et al., 2010 Lister hooded rats (F) GH (5/cage) or SI (PND 21-23) ↑Locomotion (OF), ↓NOR, only in 1 m and 1 h ITI, ↓set-shifting (∼9 weeks)
McCool and Chappell, 2009 Long-Evans rats (M) GH (4/cage) or SI (PND 28–32) ↑Anxiety-like behavior (EPM, ∼10 weeks), ↑intake and pref (24 h-access 2BC, 5 days, 10% EtOH), ↑operant response rate and intake (2 weeks, 10% EtOH)
Chappell et al., 2013 Long-Evans rats (M) GH (4-5/cage) or SI (PND 28–78 or PND 63–78) ↑Anxiety-like behavior (EPM, PND 72), ↑locomotion (OF, PND 74-78), ↑intake (24 h-access 2BC, 10% EtOH, PND 82–86 and i-2BC, 4 weeks, 20% EtOH, PND 89)
Koike et al., 2009 ICR mice (M) GH (5/cage) or SI (PND 21) ↑Anxiety-like behavior (EPM), ↓NOR, ↓habituation to unfamiliar intruder (∼4 weeks)
Karkhanis et al., 2014 Long-Evans rats (M) GH (4/cage) or SI (PND 28) ↑Anxiety-like behavior (EPM, PND 74–75) ↑DA and NE response with acute EtOH (2 g/kg, i.p.) in NAc
Yorgason et al., 2013 Long-Evans rats (M) GH (4/cage) or SI (PND 28–77 or PND 28–174) ↑Anxiety-like behavior (EPM, PND 74 and PND 174) ↑DA terminal release and reuptake rates in NAc
Yorgason et al., 2016 Long-Evans rats (M) GH (4/cage) or SI (PND 28–77 or PND 28–174) ↑DA terminal release and reuptake rates in NAc and dorsal medial striatum
Rivera-Irizarry et al., 2020 C57BL/6J mice (M&F) GH (5/cage) or SI (PND 28 or PND 70) ↓Anxiety-like behavior (EPM, F only, PND 74), no diff in intake or pref (DID, 20–30% EtOH, PND 80–119), no memory deficits (NOR, PND 152), ↑soc interaction (PND 180)
Lopez and Laber, 2015 C57BL/6J mice (M&F) GH (4/cage) or SI ± enrichment (PND 21) ↑Intake in SI mice without enrichment (c-2BC, 3 weeks, 15% EtOH, PND 60), ↓anxiety-like behavior (LDB, PND 60)
Lopez et al., 2011 C57BL/6J mice (M&F) GH (4/cage) or SI (PND 21–61 or PND 60–100) ↑Intake (c-2BC, 2 weeks, 15% EtOH, PND 65 or PND 105)
Butler et al., 2014b Long-Evans rats (F) GH (4/cage) or SI (PND 28) ↑Intake and pref at early timepoints (i-2BC, 7 weeks, 20% EtOH, PND 100)
Deehan et al., 2007 Long-Evans rats (M) GH (2/cage), enriched housing, or SI (PND 21) ↑Responding and pref (operant, 10% EtOH, PND 111)
Advani et al., 2007 C57BL/6J mice (M&F) Maternal separation (PND 2–14), then GH (2/cage) or SI (PND 21–60) ↑Intake in M; ↓intake in F, ↑pref (2BC Mon-Fri, 9 weeks, 5–20% EtOH, PND 60)
Thorsell et al., 2005 Wistar rats (M) GH (2/cage) or SI (PND 46) No changes in intake (24 h access 2BC, 3 days, 10% EtOH, ∼13 weeks)
Heimer-McGinn et al., 2020 Long-Evans rats (M) GH (9/cage) or SI (PND 21) ↓Acquisition and reversal learning (BM, PND 143, 428, or 672)
Ouchi et al., 2013 ICR mice (M) GH (5/cage) or SI (PND 28–35), then resocialized for 5 weeks) ↓Contextual and conditional fear memory (∼9 weeks)
Bagheri et al., 2021 NMRI mice (M) GH (4/cage) or SI (PND 19–21) ↓Freezing behavior, ↓spatial memory (Y-maze, MWM, ∼8 weeks)
Pais et al., 2019 C57BL/6J mice (M&F) GH (4/cage) or SI (PND 29) ↓NOR (PND 63–65)
Pisu et al., 2011a Sprague-Dawley rats (M) GH (6–8/cage) or SI (PND 25–30) ↑Spatial memory (MWM, PND 55–60) ↑ CORT on 5th day of MWM training
Lander et al., 2017 C57BL/6J mice (M) GH or SI (PND 38 or PND 60) ↑Locomotion, ↑anxiety-like behavior (OF), ↑NOR, ↑soc pref, ↓reversal learning and set shifting (water T-maze, ∼PND 61 or 81) ↑Glutamatergic tone in mPFC
Wang et al., 2019 Balb/c mice (M) GH or SI (PND 21) ↑Locomotion (OF), ↑swim speeds, ↓spatial memory (MWM, ∼28 weeks) ↓plasticity through ↓LTP in hippocampus (∼28 weeks) ↓ AMPAR, NMDAR, and PSD-95 protein in hippocampus (∼28 weeks)
Bibancos et al., 2007 C57BL/6J mice (M) GH or SI (PND 21) ↑Locomotion (OF, EPM, LDB,∼6 weeks) ↓5-HT receptor mRNA in PFC (∼6 weeks)
Makinodan et al., 2012 PLP-eGFP mice (M) GH (4/cage), enriched-housing (8/cage) or SI (PND 21) Memory deficits (non-matching-to-place task), ↓ soc interaction, no diff in locomotion (PND 50) ↓PFC myelin-related mRNA (PND 65)
Butler et al., 2014a Long-Evans rats (M) GH (4/cage) or SI (PND 28) ↑Locomotion (OF, PND 78–79), ↑intake and pref (i-2BC, 6 weeks, 20% EtOH, PND 92–95) Altered HPA axis function (PND 85–88)
Weiss et al., 2004 Sprague–Dawley rats (M&F) GH or SI (PND 21) ↑Anxiety-like behavior (EPM, M only), ↓contextual fear conditioning (∼16 weeks) Changes to CORT response (M only, ∼16 weeks)
Hinton et al., 2019 Thy-1-YFP C57BL/6J mice (M&F) GH (6–8/cage) or SI (PND 31) ↑spine densities and PSD-95ir in OFC (PND 82) GC insufficiency and ↓CNPase in cortico-striatal regions (PND 39)
Quan et al., 2010 Wistar rats (M) GH (3–4/cage) or SI (PND 21) ↓Spatial memory and reversal learning (MWM, ∼8 weeks) ↓plasticity through ↓LTP in PFC (∼8 weeks)
Liu et al., 2016 C57BL/6 mice (M&F) GH (3–4/cage) or SI (PND 35) ↑Locomotion (OF), ↓freezing in contextual and tone fear conditioning (PND 57–61) Altered structural connectivity (PND 57–61)
Medendorp et al., 2018 Thy1-GFP mice (M&F) GH or SI (PND 21) ↓Sociability (soc pref), ↑locomotion (OF, ∼PND 112) Immature dendritic spines, unaltered spine density in mPFC, impaired plasticity through ↓LTP (∼PND 112)
Cinini et al., 2014 Marmoset non-human primates (M&F) GH with family for 3 weeks, or SI for 1 or 3 weeks at 8–10 months of age ↓ BrdU + cells in hippocampus, and a smaller percentage of these cells were co-labeled with DCX (8–10 months)
Lesscher et al., 2015 Lister hooded rats (M) GH (4/cage) or SI (PND 21–43, then 4 weeks of pair housing) ↑Intake and pref at early timepoints (i-2BC, 6 weeks period after 6 weeks of re-socialization, 20% EtOH)
Han et al., 2011 Sprague Dawley rats (M) GH (3/cage) or SI (PND 21–34, then resocialized from 35 to 55) ↓Reversal learning (MWM, ∼PND 55)
Ouchi et al., 2013 ICR mice (M) GH (5/cage) or SI (PND 28–35), then resocialized for 5 weeks) ↓Contextual and conditional fear memory (∼9 weeks)
Biggio et al., 2019 Sprague-Dawley rats (M) GH (5/cage), SI (PND 21) or SI + re-socialized (PND 49–77) ↓BrdU+ and Ki67 + cells (PND 78), ↓DCX + cells (PND 92), ↓spine density and branching, ↓mature, mushroom spines in DG (PND 77)
Li et al., 2019 Sprague-Dawley rats (M) GH (4/cage) or SI (PND 21–34, then resocialization from PND 35–55) ↓Reversal learning (MWM, PND 55)
Talani et al., 2016 C57BL/6J mice (M) GH (4–6/cage) or SI (PND 21) ↓neuronal excitability in DG
Silva-Gomez et al., 2003 Sprague-Dawley rats (M) GH (3/cage) or SI (PND 21–77) ↑Locomotion (OF, PND 70) ↓ proximal and distal spine density in mPFC layer III and hippocampal CA1; shorter dendritic length in CA1 only

Drinking data presented as (drinking paradigm, length of drinking period, percentage EtOH, PND drinking began) unless specific PNDs were given for drinking period. GH, group-housed; SI, socially isolated; PND, postnatal day; M, males; F, females; soc, social; rec, recognition; pref, preference; EPM, elevated plus maze; LDB, light-dark box; OF, open field; BM, Barnes maze; MWM, Morris water maze; NOR, novel object recognition; ITI, inter-trial interval; i.p., intraperitoneal; i.g., intragastric; i-2BC, intermittent two-bottle choice; c-2BC, consecutive 2-bottle choice; DID, drinking in the dark; PFC, prefrontal cortex; mPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; NAc, nucleus accumbens; DG, dentate gyrus; GC, glucocorticoid; CORT, corticosterone; HPA, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis; DA, dopamine; 5-HT, serotonin; NE, norepinephrine; LTP, long-term potentiation.