Table 1.
Clinical trials of Tregs against autoimmune diseases
Disease | Expansion: autologous or polyclonal Treg cells | Description of application and dose | Outcome of clinical trial and final status | References |
Crohn`s disease | PBMC derived ovalbumin specific Treg cells expanded under in vitro condition designated as ovasve NCT02327221 | Single infusionof cells ranging from 106 to 109in number per patients | Well tolerated yet adverse effect has been observed in 54 patients, all recovered without showing any further adverse effect | 64 |
Croh`n disease | Polyclonally expanded autologous CD4+ CD25+ CD127lowCD45RA+Tregs treated with rapamycin and retinoic acid receptor agonistNCT03185000 | 0.5–1 x 10 6 cells up to 8–0 × 10 6 cells /kg body weight | Expressed α4β7 and exhibit suppressive function with migratory activities in cell culture system. Final results not posted till Nov. 2021 | 65 |
Type1 diabetes T1D |
Autologous ex vivo Tregs CD4+ CD25+ CD127, lowISRCTN06128462 | 10 x 106–30 × 06per kg body weight | Absence of serious adverse effect without insulin dependency. Clinical trials completed | 58 |
T1D | Autologous enriched Tregs derived from PBMC, ex vivo expandedNCT01210664 | 0.5 x 10 8 to 26 × 10 8 Tregs infused as single dose via i/v route per patient | About 25% of peak level of circulatory Tregs persisted for one year after transfer. Transient increase in FOXP3(+)CD4(+)CD25(hi)CD127(lo) phenotype Tregs in recipients was observed. Adverse effect was observed in 3 out of 14 patients, not related to cell infusion. Ddeuterium labeling was absent in non-Treg cells indicating Tregs stability. C-peptide indicator of insulin production persisted up to 2 years of Treg cell transfer. Clinical trials completed | 66 |
T1D | CD4 + CD25 + CD127 lowTregs derived from autologous PBMCenriched under in-vitro condition, under Phase-I. Clinical trial NCT02772679 |
3 x 10 6–20 × 10 6 cells per kg, s/c route | No result posted as on November 2021 | 35 |
T1D | Umbilical cord blood derived TregsPhase-I and Phase-II trialNCT02932826 | Tregs with insulin and insulin alone | 40 participants were incorporated in the trial and result not published till Nov 2021 | 35 |
Active cutaneous lupus | Autologous ex vivo expanded and enriched Tregs, under Phase-I. Clinical trials NCT02428309 | 1 x 10 8 deuterium labeled Tregs cells per patients | Increase population of Tregs and IL-17 production by both CD4 and CD8 cells recorded in skin biopsies. Terminated due to participantrecruitment feasibility | 67 |
Pemphigus Vulgaris |
Ex vivo expanded autologous CD4+ CD127lo/negCD25polyclonal TregsNCT03239470 | 1.0 x 10 8 and2.5 x 10 8 cells per patients of 18 to 75 years age | Recovery criteria was to detect CD4+, CD25++, CD127 low Treg in patients using cell shorting system. Results submitted during October 2021 but detail is under quality control process for further recruiting, | 68 |
Auto immune hepatitis | Polyclonally expanded autologous Tregs for phase I/II clinical trials NCT02704338 | 10–20 × 10 6 cells in a single infusion to patients aged between 10–70 years | Initiated at Nanjing Medical University China. Further information not yet published | 35 |