Extended Data Fig. 4. MD simulations of stacked nucleosomes with 0, 1, or 2 CENP-N.
a) Diagram of the points used to construct stacked-nucleosome sampling graphs as depicted in Fig. 1c, in addition to nucleosome parameters calculated for stacked-nucleosome simulations. Nucleosomes (blue) are shown in face-on (left) and profile (right) viewpoints, with DNA represented in a darker blue. Dyad points and their opposing points are represented as small red and green circles, respectively. CENP-N is shown in purple to provide a point-of-reference. b) From left to right, six histograms of stacking parameters for di-nucleosome systems: Shift, Slide, Rise (top), and Tilt, Roll, Twist (bottom), in analogy to the parameters used to describe the geometry of the DNA double helix. Histograms do not contain the first 100 ns of simulation time which was allotted for each system to achieve equilibration.