Classification of 1,386 Cisplatin-treated Testicular Cancer Survivors by Patient-reported Hearing Loss (HL) vs. Audiometrically-defined HL: Underestimation, Concordance, and Overestimation. Patient-reported HL (“difficulty hearing”) was assessed with the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy 20-item quality-of-life questionnaire (EORTC-CIPN-20) on the basis of symptoms experienced over the past 4 weeks (Postma et al. 2005). Audiometrically-defined HL was defined following methods in Frisina et al. (Frisina et al. 2016) using ASHA criteria for frequencies of 0.25 to 12 kHz.
Abbreviations: ASHA, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association criteria; HL, hearing loss.