Table 1.
Overview of sensitivity analyses available to examine evidence of violations of Mendelian randomization assumptions
Method | Purpose | What it does | Assumptions | Strengths | Limitations |
MR-Egger regression and intercept test | Examines invalidation of the third MR assumption (i.e., horizontal pleiotropy). Specifically, this method tests for the presence of directional pleiotropy (MR-Egger intercept test) and the robustness of findings to directional pleiotropy (MR-Egger regression) | Performs a weighted generalized linear regression of the SNP-outcome effect estimates on the SNP-exposure effect estimates with an unconstrainted intercept term. If the InSIDE and NOME assumptions are met, the intercept term can provide a formal statistical test for directional pleiotropy and the slope generated from MR-Egger regression can provide an effect estimate that is adjusted for directional pleiotropy | InSIDE, NOME | Permits unbiased causal effects to be estimated even when all variants are invalid IVs | Sensitive to outliers; requires the InSIDE assumption to hold; low statistical power in the presence of no invalid instruments |
Weighted median [61] | Examines invalidation and robustness of findings of the third MR assumption (i.e., horizontal pleiotropy) | Individual SNP effect estimates are ordered and weighted by the inverse of their variance. Providing at least 50% of the instruments are valid, the weighted median of this distribution is taken as an unbiased estimate of the causal effect | The median estimate (weighted by precision of SNPs) is unaffected by horizontal pleiotropy | Greater statistical power than MR-Egger; does not require the InSIDE assumption | Requires at least 50% of the information from variants to come from valid IVs |
Weighted mode [62] | Examines invalidation and robustness of findings of the third MR assumption (i.e., horizontal pleiotropy) | Individual SNP effect estimates are ordered and weighted by the inverse of their variance. Providing the ZEMPA assumption is satisfied, the weighted mode generates a causal estimate using the mode of a smoothed empirical density function of the distribution of weighted SNP effect estimates | ZEMPA | Can generate unbiased causal estimates even when many SNPs in an instrument are invalid | Lower statistical power to detect causal effects than weighted median, under the condition of no invalid instruments; sensitive to bandwidth parameter |
MR-CAUSE [63] | Examines invalidation and robustness of findings of the third MR assumption (i.e., horizontal pleiotropy) | Compares the expected log pointwise posterior density (i.e., estimate of how well the posterior distribution of a model is expected to predict a new set of data) under three models: a “sharing model” (i.e., permitting horizontal pleiotropy but no causal effect between traits), a “causal model” (i.e., permitting horizontal pleiotropy and assuming a causal effect), and a “null model” (i.e., neither a causal nor shared factor) | Assumes a single unobserved shared factor between two traits of interest | Can account for both correlated and non-correlated horizontal pleiotropy. Greater statistical power than MR-Egger and weighted mode when there is a true causal effect and no correlated horizontal pleiotropy | Inferior control of false positive rate in the presence of no causal effect and 0 to 50% of variants acting through a shared factor, as compared to MR-Egger and the weighted mode. Has somewhat lower statistical power than the weighted median approach when there is a true causal effect and no correlated horizontal pleiotropy |
Multivariable MR [64] | Examines invalidation and robustness of findings of the third MR assumption (i.e., horizontal pleiotropy) | Performs a weighted generalized linear regression with adjustment for measured horizontal pleiotropy between instruments and outcomes | Requires that there are at least as many genetic instruments available as there are exposures | Can adjust estimates for the presence of measured horizontal pleiotropy | There can still be horizontal pleiotropy through variants having effects on unmeasured outcomes that are independent to the exposure of interest |
Outlier detection tests |
Remove or down-weight genetic variants that are outliers in an MR analysis | Differing methods | Perform better when a large proportion of variants are not horizontally pleiotropic | Explicitly remove or down-weight contributions of outliers that may be indicative of IV assumption violations; can improve statistical efficiency of models | Residual directional pleiotropy can remain after removing or down-weighting outlying SNPs; methods are underpowered when few SNPs are available; interpretation of an “outlying” variant may be ambiguous when there are few SNPs available in a multi-SNP instrument |
Colocalization | Examines whether an association of a SNP with two or more traits represents both traits sharing a single causal variant or distinct causal variants in linkage disequilibrium | Differing methods | Some methods assume at most a single causal variant within the region for two traits examined | Can rule out findings being driven by two traits having distinct causal variants in high linkage disequilibrium | Can be underpowered for disease outcomes as compared to molecular traits |
Steiger filtering/reverse direction MR [67] | Examines whether the association of a variant with two traits (e.g., A and B) represents a proximal effect of the variant on trait A which then influences trait B or vice versa. Reverse direction MR attempts to understand direction of effect between two traits | Steiger filtering compares the proportion of the variance explained in the exposure and outcome by SNPs used as instruments to help establish directionality between associations | No horizontal pleiotropy | Can help to elucidate the direction of association between two traits | Steiger filtering is sensitive to differences in measurement error and sample size across traits examined |
InSIDE INstrument Strength Independent of Direct Effect, NOME NO Measurement Error, ZEMPA ZEro Modal Pleiotropy Assumption