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. 2022 Apr 1;13:815904. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.815904


Age-standardized prevalence of psychological distress in the Australian working age population, 2001–2017/18.

K10 very-high K10 combined high/very-high

ns Ratea 95% CI Ratea 95% CI
Age Group
18 – 24 7846 4.05% 3.62% 4.49% 15.75% 14.95% 16.56%
25 – 34 17292 3.55% 3.27% 3.82% 12.78% 12.28% 13.28%
35 – 44 19874 3.97% 3.69% 4.24% 12.99% 12.52% 13.46%
45 – 54 17742 5.39% 5.05% 5.72% 14.00% 13.49% 14.51%
55 – 64 15470 4.53% 4.20% 4.85% 12.96% 12.43% 13.49%
Major cities 51289 4.09% 3.92% 4.27% 13.13% 12.83% 13.43%
Inner regional 15073 4.75% 4.40% 5.10% 14.42% 13.83% 15.00%
Other 11862 4.24% 3.87% 4.61% 13.66% 13.01% 14.30%
Male 36809 3.30% 3.12% 3.49% 10.90% 10.57% 11.22%
Female 41415 5.18% 4.96% 5.41% 16.05% 15.68% 16.42%
Male and Yeara
2001 6797 3.01% 2.60% 3.41% 10.86% 10.11% 11.61%
2004 7135 3.27% 2.86% 3.69% 11.33% 10.57% 12.08%
2007 6095 2.87% 2.46% 3.28% 10.29% 9.52% 11.06%
2011 5871 3.08% 2.63% 3.52% 9.54% 8.77% 10.31%
2014 5197 3.43% 2.92% 3.93% 10.35% 9.50% 11.19%
2017/18 5714 4.19% 3.66% 4.72% 12.57% 11.68% 13.46%
Female and Yeara
2001 7844 5.19% 4.69% 5.69% 17.00% 16.15% 17.84%
2004 8033 5.02% 4.54% 5.50% 16.73% 15.89% 17.58%
2007 6509 4.59% 4.08% 5.11% 15.33% 14.44% 16.23%
2011 6461 4.61% 4.09% 5.13% 13.72% 12.85% 14.58%
2014 6099 5.43% 4.85% 6.02% 15.50% 14.55% 16.44%
2017/18 6469 5.90% 5.31% 6.50% 16.97% 16.03% 17.92%
Household income quintiles
(poor) 1 10031 10.88% 9.25% 12.51% 24.56% 22.36% 26.76%
2 10050 6.06% 4.78% 7.35% 20.11% 17.95% 22.26%
3 13307 1.98% 1.41% 2.56% 11.82% 10.27% 13.37%
4 15601 2.14% 1.47% 2.81% 9.12% 7.82% 10.43%
(rich) 5 16897 1.01% 0.58% 1.45% 5.76% 4.82% 6.70%
Female and Household income quintiles
(poor) 1 5915 11.91% 9.78% 14.03% 26.94% 24.06% 29.82%
2 6005 6.80% 5.07% 8.52% 23.31% 20.37% 26.24%
3 7078 2.53% 1.59% 3.46% 14.99% 12.55% 17.43%
4 7840 2.75% 1.66% 3.84% 11.44% 9.38% 13.49%
(rich) 5 7736 1.75% 0.92% 2.58% 7.79% 6.16% 9.42%
Male and Household income quintiles
(poor) 1 4120 9.64% 7.13% 12.15% 21.72% 18.35% 25.08%
2 4050 5.12% 3.22% 7.03% 15.99% 12.86% 19.11%
3 6229 1.45% 0.77% 2.13% 8.70% 6.83% 10.58%
4 7761 1.54% 0.75% 2.33% 6.88% 5.29% 8.47%
(rich) 5 9161 0.43% 0.01% 0.85% 4.16% 3.09% 5.24%

aStandardized to 2001 Australian Census. Derived from a total of n = 78,204 survey participants aged 18–64 years. SNumber of survey respondents.