Mapping in vivo detected or MPO in vitro carbamylated lysine residues onto models of rHDL.A, carbamylated lysine residues depicted in the Double Belt model of rHDL. The carbamylated lysine residues are shown explicitly as spheres, whereas the rest of the protein is shown in cartoon (secondary structure) representation. The carbamylated lysine residues are colored red (red spheres) if found in high abundance and in violet if found in lower abundance. White spheres with red text indicate carbamylated lysine residues observed either in vivo or in vitro. The MPO-binding site (A190–L203) is depicted with yellow spheres. B, carbamylated lysine residues depicted in the Double Superhelix (DSH) model of rHDL. The same color-coding scheme was used as for the Double Belt model. The DSH model has two distinct and unsymmetrical MPO-binding sites, and five carbamylated lysine residues out of seven are less than 25 Å (circled area) from this MPO-binding site (top). MPO, myeloperoxidase; rHDL, reconstituted high-density lipoprotein.