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. 2022 Mar;10(6):330. doi: 10.21037/atm-22-1014

Table 1. Characteristics of patients with Parkinson’s disease who visited or were admitted to Peking University Third Hospital during the study period.

Characteristics Outpatients (n=2,640) Inpatients (n=330) P value
Gender 0.003
   Male 1,431 (54.20%) 207 (62.73%)
   Female 1,209 (45.80%) 123 (37.37%)
Age (median, IQR) 71.0 (61.0, 79.0) 73.5 (66.0, 80.0) <0.001
   <65 963 (36.48%) 68 (20.61%) <0.001
   ≥65, <75 591 (22.38%) 108 (32.73%)
   ≥75 1,086 (41.14%) 154 (46.67%)
Type of health insurance <0.001
   Health insurance 1,696 (64.24%) 165 (50.00%)
   No health insurancea 944 (35.76%) 165 (50.00%)
Number of visitsb (median, IQR) 65 [27, 143] 2 [1, 5] <0.001
Length of hospital stayc (median, IQR) Not applicable 10 [6, 19]

a, patients funded by public health services and at their own expenses; b, accumulative number of visits for each patient in Peking University Third Hospital; c, duration (days) of each hospitalization episode. IQR, interquartile range.