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. 2022 Mar;10(6):330. doi: 10.21037/atm-22-1014

Table 2. Direct medical costs and drug costs of outpatients and inpatients with Parkinson’s disease.

Item Outpatient visits Inpatient admission episodes
Cost per year (%) Cost per visita Cost per year (%) Cost per episodeb
Total medical cost 10,263,118.09 (100.00) 1,483.68 6,437,186.31 (100.00) 46,168.34
Medicine 10,044,433.66 (97.82) 1,472.09 1,523,360.71 (23.33) 10,985.77
Non-pharmacological treatment 14,038.13 (0.14) 80.81 1,074,869.49 (16.17) 7,646.43
Diagnosis 178,990.10 (1.78) 556.69 676,691.39 (10.60) 4,879.99
Disposable equipment 24,387.24 (0.25) 83.46 2,015,620.30 (31.42) 18,896.44
Medical service 1,268.96 (0.01) 23.96 1,146,644.42 (18.48) 6,270.71
Total drug cost 10,044,433.66 (100.00) 1,523,360.71 (100.00)
Western medicine
   For managing PD 6,074,519.85 (60.48) 952.50 41,104.23 (2.70) 564.90
   For PD-related complications 1,143,266.90 (11.38) 723.70 10,685.45 (0.70) 326.20
   For managing comorbidities 2,437,353.83 (24.27) 517.70 1,462,990.06 (96.04) 7,994.48
Subtotal 9,655,140.57 (96.12) 1,420.20 1,514,779.73 (99.44) 14,303.20
Traditional Chinese medicine
   Chinese patent medicines 388,000.37 (3.86) 293.94 8,190.59 (0.54) 158.09
   Chinese herbal medicines 1,292.73 (0.01) 55.63 390.38 (0.03) 204.95
   Subtotal 389,293.09 (3.88) 293.10 8,580.95 (0.56) 229.80

All the cost was presented in Chinese yuan (in 2018, 6.88 Chinese yuan equaled 1 United States dollar). a, cost each outpatient visit; b, cost per hospital admission episode. PD, Parkinson’s disease.