The dUTP/UDG system prevents carry-over cross-contamination in RT-LAMP. (A) Schematic depicting the principle of the dUTP/UDG system in preventing carry-over contamination. dUTP is incorporated into LAMP amplicons in a primary reaction (pre-RT-LAMP). dUTP containing LAMP products carried over into a subsequent reaction (RT-LAMP) are cleaved by UDG prior to LAMP-based amplification, making them unavailable as amplification templates. This allows robust discrimination between target and no-target control (left), which is challenged by cross-over contamination in the absence of UDG-mediated cleavage (right). (B) The dUTP/UDG system minimizes cross-over contamination. Shown are performances (time to threshold) of RT-LAMP reactions in the absence (left) or presence (right) of thermolabile UDG when using synthetic SARS-CoV-2 (filled circles) or water (open circles) as input. Reactions were supplemented with the indicated dilution of a dUTP-containing pre-LAMP reaction. All reactions were performed in duplicates.