Figure 3.
Identifying D1 regulatory modules driving AT1 differentiation during alveolar septation
(A) Schematic for regulatory module construction involving I. identification of candidate TFs and II. motif enrichment analysis of peaks linked to active cell-type marker genes.
(B) UMAP from Figure S3A re-colored with TF activity levels for key alveolar epithelial TFs.
(C) Dot plot of TF gene expression regulating AT1 cell differentiation in Wang et al. snRNA-seq by cell type in ∼30 week gestational age 1 day old (∼30 week D1) donors.
(D) Bar plots of -log10(p values) for select active genes (> 1 peak linked to gene and SE in AT1.AT2 or AT1 cells) with KLF4, NKX2, and TEAD motif enrichment.
(E) Dot plot of active AT1 gene expression in LGEA D1 scRNA-seq dataset.
(F) Proposed regulatory modules for D1 AT1.AT2 and AT1 cells. All marker genes in rectangles contained peaks enriched in KLF4, NKX2, or TEAD motifs. Genes listed in red are expressed in LGEA D1 AT1 cells.
+Gene expression present in AT1/AT2-like cells. See Figure 2D.
See also Table S4.