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. 2022 Apr 15;54(5 Suppl):S1–S43. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002859


List of phenotypes available in the HERITAGE Family Study.

Phenotype Baseline Posttraining
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4
Body fat and body composition
 Weight, height, and BMI x x
 FM and fat-free mass (underwater weighing) x x
Regional fat distribution and visceral fat
 CT total, subcutaneous, and visceral fat x x
 Sum of 8 skinfolds x x
 Waist and hip girths x x
 Resting x x x (24 h) x (72 h)
 Exercise at 50 W and at 60% and 80% V̇O2max x x x x
Insulin and glucose metabolism
 IVGTT: Glucose, insulin, C-peptide x x
 Fasting: Glucose, insulin, C-peptide x x x x
Lipids, lipoproteins, and lipases
 Postheparin lipolytic activities: LPL and HL x x (72 h)
 Fasting lipid, lipoprotein, apolipoprotein profile x x x (24 h) x (72 h)
 Panel of androgens, estrogens plus SHBG x x x (24 h) x (72 h)
Cardiorespiratory endurance
 Submaximal and maximal indicators of cardiorespiratory fitness x x x x
 SV, cardiac output, and other hemodynamic indicators during exercise x x x x
 Plasma protein, glucose, FFA, lactate at 50 W, 60% V̇O2max and 80% V̇O2max, and max x x
Additional phenotypes on subsamples
 Leptin (resting and exercise) x x
 Insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2 x x
 Homocysteine, cysteine, glutathione, cysteinyl glycine, folates, vitamins B6, and B12 x
 LDL oxidation, TBARS, hemolysis, GSH-Px, α-tocopherol, β-carotene, retinol, phospholipid fatty acids, Lp(a) x x
 Skeletal muscle fiber types, capillary density, enzymes x x (96 h)
 RMR x x

24 h, 72 h, and 96 h refer to tests performed 24, 72, and 96 h after the last training session, respectively.

Three exercise tests were performed before and after training. First, a maximal cardiorespiratory fitness test was performed. It was a cycle ergometer test with increasing workload leading to exhaustion and VO2max. The data from this test were used to compute the specific HR and PO needed for the exercise prescription of each participant. The second test was submaximal and included exercising for 8 min at 50W followed by 8 min at the PO associated with 60% of VO2max. The last test repeated the conditions of the second test, followed by a workload corresponding to 80% of VO2max, and then increasing workloads until exhaustion was reached to provide a second estimate of VO2max. In the post-training period, these tests were performed at 24, 48, and 72 h following the last exercise training bout.